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03-07-18 PC
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PC Packets 2018
03-07-18 PC
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8/30/2018 4:27:00 PM
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8/30/2018 4:05:07 PM
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – February 7, 2018 6 <br /> <br />Commissioner Dixon questioned if there were any costs to the City with regard to the lift <br />station. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler stated the City would incur ongoing maintenance costs for the lift station <br />over time. <br /> <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Polka reported the developer would be responsible if <br />any damage were to occur to the lift station during construction. She explained the majority of <br />the equipment for the lift station was underground. She stated the concerns regarding the lift <br />station could be addressed in the Development Agreement. <br /> <br />Further discussion ensued regarding Rice Creek Watershed approval and maintenance of the <br />stormwater basins. <br /> <br />Commissioner Jones questioned if the required maintenance would be done quarterly, every six <br />months or yearly. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler explained the property owner would be required to inspect the basins <br />annually. If this was not done in accordance with the Rice Creek Watershed Permit, notice <br />would be given of the deficiency and steps may be taken to correct the deficiency. In addition, <br />the property owner would be responsible for covering the expenses to maintain the facilities. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson opened the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson invited anyone for or against the application to come forward and make <br />comment. <br /> <br />Ivan Gilbert, 3707 New Brighton Road, expressed concern with the fact that the owner of Lot 1 <br />would be responsible for the maintenance of the storm basins. He questioned who would be <br />responsible if this lot never sold. He encouraged the Planning Commission to hear the concerns <br />of the neighbors regarding this development and not approve the request. <br /> <br />Joe Federer, 3695 New Brighton Road, commented on how this development would injure his <br />property and home. He indicated he sent a lengthy email to the Commission addressing his <br />concerns. He stated after speaking with a hydrologist, the proposed basins were not put in the <br />correct place, but rather where they would fit. He noted he spoke with the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District as well and explained the cost to maintain this basin would be $30,000 to $50,000 to <br />replace once it fails. He explained these basins are typically owned by municipalities and not <br />homeowners. He discussed the proposed lot sizes and noted they were quite a bit smaller than <br />the adjacent properties. He encouraged the Commission to keep the lot sizes more closely <br />aligned with the existing neighborhood. He commented on the lift station and discussed how the <br />easement location was relocated after recent reconstruction on this structure. He noted 78% of <br />the trees on this property would be removed if this development were to go through and noted the <br />diseased trees should not be considered for salvaged caliper inches. He recommended staff <br />review the tree numbers more closely. <br /> <br />Richard Kotoski, Coldwell Banker Burnett, explained he was working with Tim Horita to <br />market and sell his lots.
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