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09-19-18 JDA Agenda Packet
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09-19-18 JDA Agenda Packet
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Commissioner Ortega was in agreement that the two tension points could be resolved in the <br />coming weeks and did not have to be removed at this time. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant expressed concern with how the loss of SAC fees would impact the City of <br />Arden Hills. He reported the City was not in agreement with the MDA summary as stated. <br /> <br />Commissioner McClung agreed noting there were still areas of contention that would have to <br />be addressed within the MDA. He commented he did not support a vote on this item prior to <br />the areas of contention being addressed. He feared the proposed motion was putting the cart <br />before the horse. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant explained that by taking the SAC fees away from the City, the developer <br />now has a better negotiated land fee. <br /> <br />Amendment failed 2-3 (Huffman, Ortega and Chair Wicklund opposed). <br /> <br />Commissioner McClung stated he would not be supporting the motion on the floor as there <br />were too many outstanding areas of contention. He explained it was unclear to him what he <br />was being asked to vote on as potential changes would still be made to this document. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ortega reported the County has invested $92 million in this project and was <br />working to bring about a great project. He encouraged the JDA to move forward. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant indicated the City of Arden Hills was in the position to move this project <br />forward. He stated he would be able to move this forward once the premature items were <br />addressed. He suggested this item be tabled until SAC and reimbursement fees can be further <br />discussed by the JDA. <br /> <br />Motion by Commissioner Grant to table action on the Master Development Agreement <br />Summary. <br /> <br />Motion failed 2-3 (Huffman, Ortega and Chair Wicklund opposed). <br /> <br />Commissioner Huffman thanked the public for their engagement this evening. He stated the <br />timing was right for this project and he supported the JDA moving it forward. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund stated he would be voting in favor of the MDA summary with the understanding <br />this vote would signal those at the table what the tension points were and to encourage staff to <br />find solutions. <br /> <br />AMENDMENT: Motion by Commissioner Grant seconded by Commissioner McClung to amend <br />the motion to direct staff to address the tension points within the MDA, specifically the Met <br />Council SAC credits and the amount of administrative fees the City has incurred, and to work <br />towards finding a solution.
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