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09-19-18 JDA Agenda Packet
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09-19-18 JDA Agenda Packet
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<br />Commissioner Huffman clarified the County and the City would still have conversations <br />negotiating the SAC fees from Met Council over the coming weeks prior to the final MDA being <br />considered for approval. Mr. Jambois reported this was the case. <br /> <br />Commissioner Huffman asked if it was possible for someone to vote yes this evening on the <br />MDA and vote no in the future if negotiations did not go as planned. Mr. Jambois stated this <br />could happen as the MDA was still in draft form. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ortega commented negotiations would continue between the County, the City <br />and the developer. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant reported the City does not vote on the MDA. Mr. Jambois commented the <br />City votes on the cooperative agreement, which was an attachment to the MDA. He explained <br />the JDA was a proxy for the City. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant discussed the amount of time that had passed (two months) to move the <br />MDA from a framework to a draft form. He thanked the County for their efforts on this <br />document but noted he feared the document had taken 10 steps backwards based on the <br />redlined document provided by the developer. He anticipated there was a great deal of work <br />left in order for this document to be completed. He feared the County was proposing a tight <br />timeline if this document was to be in its final form by October. He asked what the County’s <br />deadline was for the MDA. Mr. Jambois stated the County was working to have the MDA in <br />final form by October 1st or shortly thereafter. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund requested the conversation turn to dialogue at this time. He summarized the <br />comments and areas of contention within the MDA. He stated he supported the JDA meeting <br />twice a month going forward to allow for greater discussion regarding the MDA. <br /> <br /> Commissioner Grant stated the $500,000 placeholder for City planning expenses was <br />premature. He commented this number was way off and should be eliminated. He indicated <br />the SAC charge issue was a concern and he couldn’t understand why the County was asking the <br />City to give away its assets. He recommended both of these items be removed from the MDA. <br />He questioned what the value was of approving the draft MDA or Executive Summary except to <br />present the City of Arden Hills with a bill. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund indicated the value of the summary was stated to be to provide staff with <br />feedback on the issues that still need to be addressed. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant recommended the points of tension be removed from the document. <br /> <br />Commissioner Huffman supported the placeholder number and SAC fees being removed from <br />the MDA. He noted for the record this was a preliminary or draft document that still had items <br />that needed to be negotiated on.
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