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08-02-17 EDC
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EDC – Arden Hills <br />July 26, 2017 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />K:\03455-150\Admin\Docs\Arden Hills Memos\WSB Memo 07262017 Final.docx <br />• Analysis of the Employment and Economic Activity that results from the allowed <br />Commercial and Employment Uses including Potential Spending by Students. <br />• Analysis of existing parcels and buildings within the Commercial and Industrial zones. <br />• Property Taxes Paid by Commercial and Industrial Properties <br /> <br />The Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission have over the last few <br />months reviewed the technical analysis of the first five components and, based on the discussions, <br />some potential outcomes are described in the executive summary of the study. The sixth subject, <br />the property taxes paid by commercial and industrial properties, was requested to be added by the <br />Planning Commission and has not yet been review by the City Council or any other City <br />commission. Draft recommendations are included in the report based upon the discussions at the <br />June 26, 2017 City Council Work Session and the July 5, 2017 Planning Commission meeting. <br />These potential outcomes are in two separate topics: the regulation of higher education uses and <br />the land use and economic development issues to be considered for inclusion in the 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />Any amendments to the regulation of higher education uses should be ultimately approved by the <br />City Council by October 9, 2017 before the moratorium expires. The land use and economic <br />development issues will continue to be discussed as the City develops the Comprehensive Plan <br />update, which is expected to be approved in the first quarter of 2018. Staff would request that the <br />Economic Development Commission review the summary of the discussion from the June 26 City <br />Council Work Session and July 5 Planning Commission meeting, provide suggestions on how to <br />address the regulation of higher education uses within Arden Hills, and provide feedback on which <br />land use and economic development topics from this study should be included in the City’s 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan Update. <br /> <br />June 26 City Council Work Session <br /> <br />On June 26, Planning Commission Chair Roberta Thompson presented the findings of the draft <br />Higher Education Study dated June 21, 2017. The presentation included a potential outcome to <br />replace the current “Schools, Higher Education” definition with a “College, Campus” and <br />“College, Office” definition. The “College, Campus” use was proposed to be allowed as a <br />conditional use in the R-1 and B-1 districts and the “College, Office” use was proposed to be a <br />conditional use in the B-2, B-4, and CC districts. The City Council discussed this potential <br />outcome and recommended some revisions. <br /> <br />The City Council liked the idea of two separate definitions, but had some questions about the types <br />of educational uses that would be considered a “College” and what a definition of “College, <br />Office” would include. Based on that feedback, staff is proposing to change the titles of the two <br />uses to: “Higher education, campus” and “Higher education, classroom/office”. <br />The City Council recommended that the “Higher education, campus” use should have its own, <br />separate, stand-alone zoning district. Staff suggested the creation of an “INST – Institutional” <br />zoning district. The City Council recommended that the “Higher education, classroom/office” use <br />be limited to less than the B-2, B-4, and CC zoning districts, but did not recommend any zoning <br />district to remove that use from. The City Council did recommend that the “Higher education, <br />classroom/office” use have a limitation on how much of a zoning district it can occup y. <br />
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