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10-17-18 JDA Agenda Packet
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10-17-18 JDA Agenda Packet
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10/19/2018 3:46:20 PM
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10/19/2018 3:46:15 PM
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Jenny Bolton, Kennedy & Graven, discussed the JPA from a big picture standpoint. She stated <br />the overarching concept was that certain costs were identified that would be incurred by the <br />two parties ahead of the development. Those costs were assigned to the two parties and a <br />system was put in place for recovery of these costs. She explained the City would recover its <br />costs through fees, assessments and charges in the development, when development occurs. It <br />was noted the County will recover its fees through land sales. She reported the agreement <br />states not all costs and revenues are known. She commented during the interim period each <br />party was responsible for covering its own costs. She indicated the County was acting as the <br />fiscal agent at this time and noted there were provisions for a budget to be approved. <br /> <br />Ms. Bolton reported an annual budget was in place for 2018 and noted JDA staff had begun <br />working on the 2019 budget. She commented on the language within the JPA regarding <br />quarterly reports and noted staff was looking at updating that procedure in order to stay on <br />track. She discussed the reimbursement policy and noted this policy was not prepared at this <br />point. She indicated the City and County would need to identify how fees will be collected prior <br />to development occurring. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant asked where the JPA allows the Fiscal Agent to reimburse itself expenses <br />that were within the budget. Ms. Bolton stated this was written into the Bylaws in Section <br />4.7D. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant questioned if the Bylaws could contradict the JPA. Ms. Bolton advised the <br />Bylaws were intended to implement or supplement the JPA. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant commented on a statement from the JPA that read: No disbursements <br />shall be made from such accounts except by check or EFT, nor unless a verified claim for <br />services and or commodities actually rendered or delivered has been submitted to and <br />approved for payment by the JDA. Ms. Bolton stated in the process of approving the Bylaws, <br />and the JDA approved a procedure which was laid out in the Bylaws. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant questioned how the JDA was to proceed when there was a conflict with <br />the financial procedure. Ms. Bolton stated there was not a total conflict, rather the County was <br />supplementing noting the County was serving as the Fiscal Agent. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund commented staff upon conversation with Ms. Bolton was working on a process <br />for the annual budget and anticipated the JDA would be reviewing this soon. In addition, staff <br />was working on quarterly reporting and a reimbursement policy. He asked what would be the <br />one issue the JDA needs to address at this time. Ms. Bolton explained the reporting can be <br />handled by staff, along with the budget. She suggested the reimbursement policy be addressed <br />by the JDA along with the arrangement that has to be negotiated within the cooperative <br />agreement between the City and County. <br />
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