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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—JANUARY 16, 2019 4 <br /> City Attorney Jamnik reviewed the assessment language with the Council and reported the <br /> statement within the cooperative agreement insulates the City. He recommended Exhibit N <br /> remain in place. <br /> Councilmember Holmes requested the reference to "others"be clarified within the agreement. <br /> Ms. Kvilvang questioned if the master stormwater agreement would be included in the <br /> cooperative agreement. <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Polka stated she would add language into the cooperative <br /> agreement to address a master stormwater agreement. <br /> Mayor Grant turned the discussion to the Option Agreement. He recommended Sue Iverson's <br /> name be removed from the signature line. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik commented the JDA Attorney would also have to be clarified in this <br /> document. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the timeline for development for Alatus and when the clock would <br /> start for the Civic Site. <br /> Councilmember Holmes suggested the clock start within two years or with the first vertical <br /> development within Tranche 2. <br /> Councilmember Holden commented on G4 stating she had a problem with the statement: "the <br /> use being approved by the landowner". <br /> Mayor Grant recommended this language be removed. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik explained the developer does not want the City to store salt on the Civic <br /> Site but rather wants an amenity that enhances the Town Center project. He stated language could <br /> be added to define the minimum improvements the City would be willing to make. He anticipated <br /> the developer would not want the language removed altogether. <br /> Councilmember Holden indicated the City was willing to put something on this land but did not <br /> want the developer to have the power to say if it is or isn't good enough. <br /> Councilmember Holmes suggested the language be removed and if the developer would like to <br /> put in the language back in it cannot be so vague. <br /> Ms. Kvilvang reviewed the facilities that were acceptable for the Civic Site within the Option <br /> Agreement. <br /> City Planner Mrosla commented the developer may have concerns with the architecture of the <br /> building. <br />