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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes October 16, 2018 <br />Page 3 <br />4. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Civic Site Task Force <br />Committee Member John Van Valkenburg said they are hoping for additional indoor space to <br />be used for children to seniors. <br />Committee Member Paul Beggin said they reviewed how the current parks and recreation <br />programs work with the school district, and what is space is needed. He referred to the handout <br />and study done by HGA and the options presented. <br />Chair Straumann mentioned that he put together a fact sheet of what other communities are doing <br />with their civic sites and he took a tour at the Andover Community Center/YMCA. He reminded <br />the committee that there will be a TCAAP open house on November 15 in the Marsden Room at <br />the Ramsey County Public Works facility. Ramsey County wants Building 189 uses to be <br />complimentary to ours. <br /> B. Floral Park Gardens and Hazelnut Park Monarch Waystation <br />Chair Rich Straumann reviewed the memo regarding the park garden and waystation <br />improvements. <br />The committee agreed to encourage staff to look into establishing a Garden Club. <br />5. REPORTS <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Polka said they are getting preliminary plans for a new <br />warming house at Hazelnut Park. It was noted that only one skating rink would be installed this <br />winter and a temporary warming house would be brought in. The fire that burned down the old <br />warming house is being investigated. Johanna Marsh park is almost completed and a bench <br />donation was installed. <br />6. NEXT MEETING <br />The next PTRC Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 20, 6:30 p.m. at City <br />Hall. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />The meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.