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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Page 4 <br />PROJECT RECOMMENDATION <br />Wyncrest Court <br />HR Green recommends the following items be completed to promote a safer pedestrian crossing at the <br />intersection of Wyncrest Court and Hamline Avenue. <br />1. Move the crosswalk from the north leg to the south leg. The following items outline the <br />approach and the advantages of moving the crosswalk to the south side. <br />a. A crosswalk on the south side allows for a pedestrian median refuge to be <br />constructed in the continunious two-way left turn lane. Vehicles traveling NB on <br />Hamline cannot turn left at the intersection so the center lane can be used for <br />pedestrian median refuge. Pedestrian median refuge islands are a roadway design <br />treatment that permits pedestrians/bicyclists to cross one direction of street traffic at <br />a time as the pedestrians are able to stop, if necessary, in the center island or <br />median area and wait for adequate gaps. Median refuge islands are typically raised <br />above the roadway surface with an accessible pedestrian path. The raised median <br />also serves as a variation in the roadway section which alerts drivers to be aware of <br />their surroundings. See the photo below as an example of pedestrian median refuge <br />island installation. Concrete or landscaped medians can be used, however for this <br />application, HR Green recommends the concrete median with the MnDOT Standard <br />Plate 7113A, “Concrete Approach Nose Detail”. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />b. Design and construct a fan ramp at the SE quadrant per the MnDOT 5-297.250 <br />standard plans, Pedestrian Curb Ramp Details. The construction of the ramp will <br />require some curb and gutter replacement as well as two feet of bituminous <br />pavement replacement to execute the curb and gutter replacement. A small amount <br />of grading around the ramp will be required but all activies should be able to stay <br />within the right-of-way. <br />c. Remove the pedestrian ramp on the NW quadrant and construct a new one-way <br />directional ramp on the SW quadrant per the MnDOT 5-297.250 standard plans. <br />d. Having the crosswalk on the south side avoids having to grade around the electric <br />box on the NE quadrant when constructing a receiving pedestrian ramp. <br />e. Decreased pedestrian and vehicle conflicts – drivers leaving Wyncrest and turning <br />left onto SB Hamline Ave are at a stopped condition and have time to look for <br />pedestrians before pulling out onto Hamline Ave. W hereas, existing condition has <br />vehicles turning left off of SB Hamline Ave onto Wyncrest which is a free flowing <br />movement. <br /> <br />Landscaped medians can be a <br />more aesthetically pleasing <br />alternative to the concrete only <br />medians (as shown).