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<br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for April 3, 2019 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2019\19-003 Bethel Sci Addition - SP\Memos Reports <br /> <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />The campus has frontage on Valentine Lake, which is classified as a Natural Environmental lake <br />in Section 1330.02 of the Shoreland District Regulations. The minimum structure setback from <br />the ordinary high water level of Valentine Lake is 150 feet. The proposed addition to the <br />Academics Common building would be located 118 feet from the ordinary high water level at its <br />closest point for a proposed encroachment of 32 feet. A Variance from the minimum required <br />setback was granted at the March 26, 2018 City Council Meeting. <br /> <br />3) Lot Coverage (Section 1320.06) <br />The proposed addition would result in an additional 6,224 square feet of impervious coverage on <br />the campus. The previously approved CUP for the Bethel University limits the total lot coverage <br />of impervious surfaces to 25 percent and requires a minimum landscape lot area of 75 percent. The <br />impervious surface coverage for the campus including the proposed addition would be 21.58 <br />percent and the landscape lot area would be 78.42 percent. <br /> <br />Section 1325 – General Regulations <br /> <br />A. Landscaping and Tree Preservation – Section 1325.05 and Section 1325.055 <br />The landscape plan includes 12 new trees with a range of sizes from two to four caliper inches for <br />a total of 29 caliper inches. The trees would be planted along the proposed sidewalk and the drop- <br />off loop as shown on the image in section H. <br /> <br />B. Minimum Caliper Inches and Tree Ratio – Section 1325.05, Subd. 1(F)(1)(2) <br />The Zoning Code requires that a minimum number of caliper inches of trees be provided based on <br />the gross square footage of the building on the property. For the 20,000 square foot addition, the <br />minimum required caliper inches is 63 inches. However, much of the Bethel campus is wooded, <br />and the current amount of caliper inches on the site exceeds these minimum requirements. <br /> <br />4) Perennials and Shrubbery – Section 1325.05 Subd. 1(F) (6) <br />The Zoning Code requires that a minimum of 10 percent of the total landscaped area shall be <br />covered with perennials or shrubbery. The majority of the campus site is currently landscaped or <br />forested and will remain unchanged. Approximately 456 square feet of perennials and shrubbery <br />would be planted within the project area. <br /> <br />5) Tree Preservation – Section 1325.055 <br />A survey of the significant trees in the project area was completed in May 2018. The survey <br />indicates a total of 32 caliper inches of significant trees in the project area will be removed as part <br />of the proposed addition. The Tree Preservation Ordinance permits the removal of up to 10 percent <br />of the significant trees on the site before mitigation is required. Based on the proposed removal <br />and the total caliper inches on the Bethel University campus, no replacement trees are required at <br />this time. It should be noted that the proposed landscape plan is replacing a total of 29 inches, <br />which would be the required caliper inch replacement if this project were completed on its own <br />site, apart from the presence of large forested areas. <br /> <br />