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Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />During construction, additional signage was needed to direct traffic to Bethel University. WSB <br />has provided a recommendation to approve Change Order No. 5 in the amount of $2,585.22. <br />(Attachment A). Change Order No. 5 is included as Attachment B. <br /> <br />At this time the project is substantially complete with miscellaneous restoration and punch-list <br />items remaining to be completed. Five percent is being withheld from the work completed in <br />accordance with the contract documents. The eighth payment is in the amount of $16,817.74. <br />WSB has provided a recommendation to pay the eighth voucher (Attachment A). Staff <br />recommends that Council approve Payment No. 8 (Attachment C). With Council consideration <br />to approve Payment No. 8 in the amount of $16,817.74, the total work certified to-date will be <br />$3,655,663.64. It is estimated that approximately $25,000 of contract work remains to be <br />completed for a final estimated construction cost of $3,662,960.75. <br /> <br />While the project change orders increased the original contract amount from $3,376,269.85 to <br />$3,871,020.19, costs associated with the change orders have been off-set with savings in the <br />original contract. Within the additional project costs, it is estimated that approximately <br />$225,000.00 is associated with additional paving and sub-grade correction on Old Snelling <br />required by Ramsey County. <br /> <br /> <br />Attachments <br />Attachment A: WSB Letter – Payment No. 8 and Change Order No. 5 <br />Attachment B: Change Order No. 5 <br />Attachment C: Payment No. 8 <br /> <br />