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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JULY 8, 2019 4 <br /> versus the short-term impact on one local business. He explained his brother passed from COPD <br /> two years ago. He supported the City keeping strong policies in place to protect the next <br /> generation from tobacco related illnesses and premature death. <br /> Maher Safi, manager of Arden Hills Tobacco, thanked the Council for understanding his <br /> concerns and for revisiting this issue. He explained the previous Ordinance would have directly <br /> impacted his livelihood. He reported his business began 15 years ago. He described how tobacco <br /> use has been on the decline and indicated he has worked really hard to improve his business. He <br /> reported Arden Hills Tobacco has been in compliance with all local, state and federal laws. He <br /> stated he should not be punished because of a national study or national epidemic. He explained <br /> he does not sell or market tobacco products to kids. He indicated he was a responsible business <br /> owner and should not be punished for the actions of others. <br /> Beth Meissner, manager of Arden Hills Shell (Brausen's), thanked Councilmember Holmes for <br /> reading her email. She discussed the impact the City Ordinance has had on business. She <br /> questioned why the Council had visited Mr. Safi's store to see the impact on his business and did <br /> not visit Brausen's. She reported her income would drop significantly because it was based on <br /> sales. She estimated their business would lose $80,000 to $100,000 in sales as her customers <br /> would drive two blocks down to Shoreview. She indicated she would have to cut hours for her <br /> staff. She expressed frustration with the fact the Council did not respond to her email and <br /> provided the Council with a copy of her email. She discussed how this Ordinance would chase <br /> businesses out of Arden Hills. <br /> Mr. Safi explained he objected to the first Ordinance fully for his business and all tobacco license <br /> holders in the City. He reported the exclusion for his tobacco shop was because he was an adult <br /> only shop. He clarified for the record that he did not sell tobacco products online. <br /> With no one coming forward to speak, Mayor Grant closed the public hearing at 7:39 p.m. <br /> 9. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Ordinance 2019-005 Amending Chapter 3, License and Regulations, Section <br /> 350, Subsection 350.06, Prohibited Sales and Authorize Publication of <br /> Ordinance Amendment <br /> City Clerk Hanson stated the current proposed amendment's language pertains to Subsection <br /> 350.06, Prohibited Sales, and states that "After August 1, 2019, the flavor restriction shall not <br /> apply to any licensee whose total annual sales volume of licensed products is 90%or more whose <br /> license was in existence on or before March 25, 2019." <br /> City Clerk Hanson commented that the proposed language would "grandfather in" Arden Hills <br /> Tobacco due to the adult only store's volume of sales of licensed products. She stated that the <br /> proposed exception would be for the existing Arden Hills Tobacco shop, at the existing location, <br /> and with the existing license holder only. If Arden Hills Tobacco were to relocate elsewhere in <br /> the city or sell the business to a new owner,the exception would no longer apply. <br />