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City Council Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JULY 8, 2019 5 <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated she believed the proposed amendment upheld the original intent <br /> of the Council and what the Ordinance was supposed to be. She supported an exception for the <br /> tobacco shop because this was an adult only shop. She commented on the problems of youth <br /> seeing tobacco in local convenient stores. She explained the Council was invited by Mr. Safi to <br /> visit his store to better understand how things worked. She noted it was always her original intent <br /> to have the tobacco shop exempt which led to the proposed Ordinance amendment. She indicated <br /> she would be supporting the proposed amendment. <br /> Councilmember Holden explained she was confused about the ownership of the tobacco shop. <br /> She stated she did not support giving one business a benefit over another business. She indicated <br /> it was not fair for her to be accused of meeting with Mr. Safi when this had not occurred. She <br /> believed it was irresponsible to amend the Ordinance and for this reason she would not be <br /> supporting the proposed amendment. <br /> Councilmember McClung agreed with Councilmember Holden's comments and noted this was a <br /> public health issue. He wanted to see all Arden Hills residents protected from tobacco addiction <br /> and not just youth. He explained he grew up in a house with a smoker and he was pleased with <br /> the fact cities and states were starting to address this issue. He indicated he spoke to Mr. Safi, <br /> along with the owner of Brausen's. He apologized for not speaking to Ms. Meisner but noted he <br /> had read her email. He stated he would not be supporting the proposed Ordinance amendment. <br /> Councilmember Scott commented the purpose of the original Ordinance was not to drive <br /> businesses out of the City. He stated he was offended by Ms. Meissner's comments about not <br /> visiting Arden Hills Shell as had visited both stores and in fact had visited with Ted and Jake <br /> Brausen. He explained he would be supporting the Ordinance amendment but requested <br /> clarification on the grandfather language. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik discussed the grandfathering language noting if the business were to <br /> relocate the ban would take effect. However, if the lease at the current site were renewed, the <br /> grandfather language would remain in place. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated based on this clarification he would now oppose the amendment. <br /> Mayor Grant explained he struggled with the fact this Ordinance would create winners and <br /> losers. He supported there being a level playing field for all businesses and for this reason he <br /> would not be supporting the Ordinance amendment. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember e ber Scott seconded a motion <br /> to adopt Ordinance #2019-005 — Amendin Chapter 3 License and <br /> p g p , <br /> Regulations, Section 350, Subsection 350.06, Prohibited Sales and Authorize <br /> Publication of Ordinance Amendment. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested the second sentence in Section 1, Subdivision 2 be removed. <br />
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