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Ul <br />GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS <br />1.0 CONTRACT <br />a. The foregoing Proposal and these General Terms and Conditions <br />constitute the contract (hereinafter, "Contract") between Northern <br />Technologies, LLC., (hereinafter, "NTI") and the party signing the <br />Client Authorization (hereinafter, "Client") <br />b. If Client directs NTI to proceed with Services (as defined below) prior <br />to execution of this Contract, or if Client allows NTI to continue with <br />Services after having received this Contract, it is understood that each <br />party is bound by the terms and conditions of this Contract whether <br />or not Client has signed this Contract. <br />2.0 SERVICES <br />a. NTI will provide Client with the services specified in the Proposal <br />(hereinafter, "Services" or "Scope of Services") in accordance with the <br />Contract's terms. Services enumerated in writing in the Contract are <br />considered Basic Services. Services not specifically enumerated in <br />writing in the Contract are not included in the scope of NTI's Services <br />and are not NTI's responsibility. <br />b. Should the need arise for NTI to expand our services in response to <br />conditions or events outside our control, NTI would, under Client's <br />direction, submit a separate proposal providing such Additional <br />Services. Additional Services are not included under Basic Services nor <br />are theycovered bythe compensation for Basic Services. <br />C. NTI will provide Services to Client as an independent contractor and <br />not as the Client's employee, agent, partner, or joint venturer. <br />d. NTI shall have no responsibility for the discovery, presence, handling, <br />removal or disposal of, or exposure of persons to, hazardous materials <br />or toxic substances in any form at the project site. If, while performing <br />the Services any hazardous substances or conditions are discovered <br />or encountered that pose unanticipated risks or costs, it is agreed that <br />the scope of Services, time schedule and the estimated Contract costs <br />shall be reconsidered and that this Contract may, at NTI's option, be <br />re -negotiated or terminated. If the Contract is so terminated, Client <br />shall pay NTI for the Services performed up to the date of termination <br />plus NTI's reasonable termination and demobilization costs and <br />expenses. <br />e. If NTI's performance of the Services is delayed by Client or by any <br />other circumstance beyond NTI's direct and reasonable control, then <br />the time for NTI's completion of the Services shall be automatically <br />extended based upon the duration and impact of each such delay and <br />NTI shall be entitled to additional compensation from Client <br />3.0 GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES <br />a. NTI shall not be responsible for the performance of any activity or <br />obligation other than the Services specified in the Contract, and NTI's <br />performance shall not be construed as relieving Client or any third <br />party of their responsibilities. NTI shall have no responsibility for, or <br />any liability pertaining to: (1) the superintending, supervising, or <br />directing of the work of any independent contractor, agent or <br />employee of Client or any third party; or (2) the results or <br />consequences of work performed by any such independent <br />contractor, agent or employee of Client or any third party; or (3) any <br />claims or allegations of rights by any person or party other than Client <br />relating to NTI's Services; or (4) forjob site safety at the location which <br />is the subject of this Contract (hereinafter, "Site"). <br />b. NTI will be responsible for obtaining only those government permits, <br />approvals and authorizations that are specified in the Scope of <br />Services of the Contract. NTI is not responsible for project delays, <br />damages or impacts due to the government's failure to issue said <br />permits in a timely fashion. <br />C. Unless otherwise expressly agreed by NTI and Client in writing NTI's <br />performance of its Services is solely and exclusively for the benefit of <br />the Client and no party other than Client shall be entitled to rely upon <br />any documentation, representation, report, statement or service <br />made or performed by NTI. <br />4.0 CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES <br />a. Client will make available to NTI all known information regarding <br />existing and proposed requirements which affects the work, including <br />but not limited to: specifications, contracts, recommendations, plans <br />and change orders. <br />b. Client will immediately transmit to NTI any new information that <br />becomes available to Client or Client's contractors or subcontractors, <br />so that recommended actions can be reviewed. <br />C. Client will provide a representative to answer questions about the <br />project when required by NTI upon 24-hour notice. <br />d. Client will not hold NTI liable for any incorrect advice, judgment, or <br />decision based on any inaccurate information furnished by or on <br />behalf of Client, and Client will indemnify NTI against liability arising <br />out of or contributed to by such information. <br />e. NTI shall be entitled to additional compensation for all extra work <br />caused by or resulting from the failure of the information provided to <br />accurately describe the Site conditions. <br />f. With the exception of those specified as NTI's responsibility in the <br />Scope of Services, Client shall timely obtain all necessary permits, <br />governmental approvals and access agreements to allow NTI and its <br />agents access to the Site and any buildings thereon. <br />g. Client is responsible for notifying property owner(s) of the nature, <br />scope and timing of NTI's work, along with any potential damage that <br />may occur during the execution of said work. <br />h. Client shall provide reasonable safe access to the proposed location <br />of work including but not limited to slopes, distance from unities, <br />removal of site obstructions, etc. <br />5.0 NTI RESPONSIBILITIES <br />a. NTI will perform its Services consistent with the level of care and skill <br />ordinarily exercised by members of the geotechnical and materials <br />testing profession currently practicing under similar conditions (the <br />"Standard of Care"). No warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, <br />is made by NTI. <br />b. NTI will be responsible for its data, interpretation and <br />recommendations, but will not be responsible for interpretation by <br />others. <br />C. NTI will take reasonable precautions to prevent damage to property. <br />However unless specifically included in the Scope of Services NTI will <br />not be responsible for the repair or cost of repairs of property <br />including but not limited to pavements, turf, walks, vegetation, <br />utilities, irrigation, buildings or any other site improvements. <br />6.0 INSURANCE <br />a. NTI will carry worker's compensation insurance and public liability, <br />property damage, and errors and omissions insurance policies, which <br />NTI considers adequate. In addition to any other limitations set forth <br />in this Contract, it is agreed that in no event will NTI be responsible <br />for loss, damage or liability beyond the limits and conditions of NTI's <br />available insurance. NTI will not be responsible for any loss or liability <br />arising from the negligence of Client or by other persons or entities <br />employed by Client. <br />7.0 COMPENSATION <br />a. NTI's Proposal specifies if the fee is a fixed fee or an estimate based <br />on set rates. Unless specifically stated in the Proposal Client <br />acknowledges that the fee estimate will not be construed to be a <br />maximum or not to exceed amount. <br />b. NTI will submit invoices to client monthly, and a final invoice upon <br />completion of Services. Invoices will show charges based on current <br />NTI Fee Schedule or other basis agreed upon in writing. A detailed <br />separation of charges and backup data will be provided at Client's <br />request. <br />C. Client shall notify NTI immediately if there are any issues relating to <br />the invoice format, amounts, name of responsible party or any other <br />factors preventing payment of the invoice as submitted. <br />d. Unless specifically stated in the Proposal, NTI's fees will not be subject <br />to retainage. <br />e. Unless specifically stated in the Proposal, payment of invoices for NTI <br />Services shall not be contingent upon project financing or payments <br />received by the Client from other parties. <br />f. The Client will pay the balance stated on the invoices unless Client <br />notifies NTI in writing of the particular item that is alleged to be <br />incorrect within fifteen (15) days from the invoice date. NTI will strive <br />to resolve Client's concerns in a timely manner as long as the balance <br />of the invoice is paid within the terms of this Contract. In the event <br />