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Ul <br />GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS <br />Client fails to bring a billing dispute to NTI's attention within the 15- <br />Client agrees to indemnify NTI for any liability to any third party. <br />day period, Client waives the right to later dispute the invoice. <br />d. <br />NTI shall have no liability for any failure to perform or delay in <br />g. <br />Payment is due upon receipt of invoice and is considered past due <br />performance due to any circumstances beyond its reasonable control. <br />thirty (30) days from invoice date. On past due accounts, Client will <br />Additionally, in no event shall NTI be liable or responsible to Client or <br />pay a late charge of 1.5(%) per month, or the maximum allowed by <br />any other person for any consequential, special, incidental, <br />law. <br />exemplary, or punitive damages, including but not limited to, <br />h. <br />In the event Client fails to pay NTI within sixty (60) days following <br />governmental fines, penalties or liabilities, lost profits or other <br />invoice date, NTI may consider the default a total breach of this <br />economic loss (whether arising from negligence, errors, omissions, <br />Contract and all duties of NTI under this Contract will be terminated. <br />breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort, strict liability or <br />I. <br />Partial payments received will first be applied to accrued late charges, <br />otherwise), resulting from any claimed defect or deficiency in the <br />then expenses and then to the principal balance. <br />Services provided by NTI or any failure by NTI to provide Services. <br />j. <br />Client agrees that NTI may increase its billing rates/fees on each <br />11.0 <br />TERMINATION <br />anniversary of this Contract. <br />a. <br />This agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven (7) <br />8.0 <br />OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS / SAMPLES <br />days written notice if there is substantial failure by the other party to <br />a. <br />The Client acknowledges that the reports, data, plans, specifications, <br />perform. Termination will not be effective if substantial failure is <br />representations, correspondence and all other documents <br />remedied before expiration of the seven days. Upon termination <br />prepared by NTI as part of its Services under this Contract <br />other than for NTI's default, NTI will be paid for Services rendered plus <br />(collectively referred to as "Documentation") are instruments of <br />reasonable termination expenses. <br />NTI's service to Client. Client agrees to save,defend, indemnify and <br />b. <br />If the Contract is terminated prior to completion of all reports <br />hold NTI and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees and <br />contemplated by the agreement, or suspended for more than three <br />agents harmless from and against all claims, damages, losses and <br />(3) months, NTI may complete analysis and records as are necessary <br />related expenses (including, without limitation, all reasonable <br />to complete its files and may complete a report on the Services <br />attorney fees, disbursements, expert witness fees and all costs of <br />performed. Termination or suspension expenses will include direct <br />court and litigation) in any manner arising from or pertaining to: <br />costs of completing analysis, records and report. <br />(a) any re -use of the Documentation without the prior written <br />12.0 <br />ASSIGNS <br />authorization of NTI or, (b) claim(s) by any third party ( other than <br />a. <br />Neither party may assign duties or interest in the Contract without the <br />Client) to whom Client distributed or provided any of the <br />written consent of the other party. <br />Documentation,either directly, through an agent, or by requesting <br />13.0 <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />that NTI provide it to the third party, without the prior written <br />a. <br />If any provision or provisions of this Contract shall be held to be <br />authorization of NTI. <br />invalid, illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with the law of any <br />b. <br />Client agrees that all reports and other work furnished to the Client or <br />jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining <br />his agents, which are not paid for, will be returned upon demand and <br />provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. <br />will not be used by the Client for any purpose. <br />b. <br />This Contract is the entire agreement between NTI and Client and it <br />C. <br />NTI will retain all pertinent records concerning Services performed for <br />supersedes all prior written or oral agreements with respect to the <br />a period of two (2) years after the report is sent; during that time the <br />subject matter hereof. No amendment or assignment of the <br />records will be made available to the Client during NTI's normal <br />Contract shall be effective unless agreed to in a writing signed by <br />business hours. <br />authorized representatives of both parties. <br />d. <br />NTI will retain representative samples for 30 days after submission of <br />C. <br />The provisions of this Contract relating to the limitation of liability <br />NTI report. Upon request by Client, samples can be shipped, charges <br />and damages, warranties, indemnification, use of plans, <br />collect, to destination selected by Client; or NTI can store them for an <br />specifications, reports and all other Documentation provided by <br />agreed upon storage charge. <br />NTI and those specifying choice of law, dispute resolution, notice, <br />9.0 <br />DISPUTES <br />waiver, and severability shall survive termination of this Contract. <br />a. <br />All claims, disputes, and controversies arising out of or in relation to <br />d. <br />The terms of this Contract and its enforcement and interpretation <br />the performance, interpretation, application, or enforcement of this <br />shall be governed by the laws of the state where the project is <br />Contract, including, but not limited to, breach thereof, shall be <br />located. If any provision of this Contract is determined to be <br />referred for mediation under the then current Construction Industry <br />unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be severed <br />Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association prior to <br />from the Contractand shall not renderthis Contract, or any other <br />any recourse to litigation. <br />of its other provisions, unlawful, invalid or unenforceable. <br />b. <br />In the event of any litigation arising out of or relating to this Contract <br />14.0 <br />PRE -LIEN NOTICE <br />or the Services, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable <br />a. <br />By signing this Contract Client represents and warrants that it either <br />attorneys' and experts' fees, court costs and other costs of collection <br />owns fee title to, or has the legal right to direct NTI to perform <br />including NTI's labor costs in connection with the prosecution of any <br />Services in connection with, the site of the project and that there is <br />collection lawsuit. <br />presently nothing to prevent NTI from filing a lien against the site of <br />10.0 <br />LIMITATION OF LIABILITY <br />the project. <br />a. <br />CLIENT understands that the Services provided by NTI involve the <br />b. <br />ANY PERSON OR COMPANY SUPPLYING LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR <br />application of scientific and technical skill, judgment and discretion <br />THIS IMPROVEMENT TO YOUR PROPERTY MAY FILE A LIEN AGAINST <br />that is not an exact science and that NTI cannot and does not guaranty <br />YOUR PROPERTY IF THAT PERSON OR COMPANY IS NOT PAID FOR THE <br />the results of its Services. Instead, NTI agrees to perform the Services <br />CONTRIBUTIONS. <br />according to the Standard of Care. <br />C. <br />UNDER MINNESOTA LAW, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PAY PERSONS <br />b. <br />NTI's liability to the Client and all contractors and subcontractors on <br />WHO SUPPLIED LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT <br />the project, for damages due to professional negligence, negligence <br />DIRECTLY AND DEDUCT THIS AMOUNT FROM OUR CONTRACT PRICE, <br />or breach of any other obligation to Client or others, will be limited to <br />OR WITHHOLD THE AMOUNTS DUE THEM FROM US UNTIL 120 DAYS <br />an amount not to exceed $20,000 or NTI's fee, whichever is less. <br />AFTER COMPLETION OF THE IMPROVEMENT UNLESS WE GIVE YOU A <br />C. <br />Client will notify any contractor or subcontractor who performs work <br />LIEN WAIVER SIGNED BY PERSONS WHO SUPPLIED ANY LABOR OR <br />in connection with any work done by NTI of the limitations of liability <br />MATERIAL FOR THE IMPROVEMENT AND WHO GAVE YOU TIMELY <br />for design defects, errors, omissions, or professional negligence, and <br />NOTICE. <br />to require as a condition precedent to their performing their work, a <br />like indemnity and limitations of liability on their part as against NTI. <br />In the event the Client fails to obtain a like limitation and indemnity, <br />