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City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for February 5, 2020 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2019\19-018 - Boston Scientific -SP\PC Packets <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />medical devices within this district. The changes to the Campus Master Plan that the Applicants <br />propose to add are entirely exterior and complementary to the use of the Subject Property as a <br />medical device manufacturer. <br />Boston Scientific is regulated under a PUD that permits the Subject Property to operate medical <br />manufacturing provided those uses maintain harmony and compatibility with surrounding uses and <br />are in keeping with the architectural character and design standards of existing uses and <br />development. The underlying Zoning District that guides the uses allowed within the parcel is the <br />I-1 Limited Industrial District. <br />A. Site Plan Review Design Standards - Section 1325.05, subd. 1 <br />Exterior elevation plans submitted by the Applicant indicate that the proposed addition will utilize <br />metal coping and brick on the face of the RTC building that will match the existing materials on- <br />site. The proposed addition to the site will feature hollow metal doors and new overhead garage <br />doors installed for vehicle loading and unloading that will match the style and finish of other doors <br />found throughout campus. As a condition of approval, staff recommends that TheApplicant submit <br />a materials board to compare proposed materials against the existing buildings on campus. <br />Landscaping- Section 1325.55, subd. 1 <br />According to City Code Section 1325.55, subd. 1, all districts developed uses shall provide and <br />maintain a landscaped area along streets. This area shall be kept clear of all structures, storage, <br />and off-street parking, and except for driveways, the area shall extend along the entire frontage of <br />the lot and along both streets in the case of a corner lot. The Applicant submitted a landscaping