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02-05-2020 PC
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Planning Commission Packets
02-05-2020 PC
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2/3/2020 9:28:04 AM
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City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for February 5, 2020 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2019\19-018 - Boston Scientific -SP\PC Packets <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />plan highlighting the planting schedule for replacement after the construction is complete. Twenty <br />(20)shrubs will be planted in the vicinity of the project area as well as a mix of annual and <br />perennial plants. The plans call for the replacement of approximately 8,860 square feet of turf to <br />be re-seeded or re-sodded by the completion of the project. As a condition of approval, Staff <br />recommends that prior to the issuance of a building permit, a landscape financial security shall be <br />submitted and held for up to two years to ensure the viability of the landscaping. <br />Tree Preservation -Section 1325.55, subd. 1 <br />A Tree Preservation Plan is required as part of an application when City grading permit or erosion <br />control permit is required. The Tree Protection Plan submitted by the Applicant shows that 253 <br />caliper inches of trees are set for removal. The majority of the trees in the exiVting wooded area are <br />invasive Buckthorn or trees that do not meet the City’s definition of a significant tree. Only five <br />(5)significant trees will be removed, which accounts for 76 caliper inches. Ordinance requires tree <br />replacement if more than 10 percent of the inches of significant trees on the site are impacted by <br />the project. The proposed project area is four (4) percent the total site area. <br />Lighting -Section 1325.05, subd 3 <br />Staff determined that a single overhead light will be installed directly underneath the door to the <br />addition. Given the minimal outdoor lighting for the project, the photometric plan shows that none <br />of the light emanating from the source will not reach beyond the project area. Given the project <br />area is interior to the site, Staff do not anticipate any issues with regard to lighting. <br />Screening and Fencing –Section 1325.05, subd. 4 <br />Screens and fencing help minimize adverse impacts of public nuisances, such as noise. According <br />to City Code Section 1325.05, subd. 4, mechanical equipment requires screening to be constructed <br />and located so as to completely screen them from view of adjacent streets and differing land uses. <br />The Applicant is proposing a retaining wall along the south side of the project area that will further <br />screen the RTC building and contain erosion resulting from the removal of trees in the area. The <br />intent is to match the existing fencing onsite. In addition, the site is screened by a row of shrubs <br />along Innovation Way. <br />The Applicant is proposing to add rooftop equipment on Building 10 as a part of this request, with <br />a short parapet wall to help screen the equipment. The equipment proposed is approximately four <br />(4)feet tall, and Staff finds that the equipment is positioned on the south wall of the addition, <br />helping to reduce the angle of view. The existing roof top mechanical equipment on the RTC <br />building is not screened, as is not noticeable from the property lines because the addition is internal <br />to the Boston Scientific property. <br />Parking, Traffic, and Circulation –Section 1325.05, subd. 8, M <br />The Applicant submitted Proof of Parking calculations along with the site plans for the project <br />area. The Proof of Parking calculations show that an additional 280 parking spaces could be <br />provided on campus near the project area and an additional 319 spaces could be provided <br />elsewhere on campus. Given there is no interior renovation associated with this project, no need
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