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02-05-2020 PC
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Planning Commission Packets
02-05-2020 PC
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City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for February 5, 2020 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2019\19-018 - Boston Scientific -SP\PC Packets <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />for additional plantings nearby, and no change to the number of staff or visitors on-site, staff does <br />not anticipate the need to devote additional space for a new parking lot in light of this request. <br />The Applicant submitted turning templates illustrating the movement for a typical garbage truck <br />and a semi-truck navigating the project area once construction is complete. The template <br />indicates that a garbage truck would nose in, back up in the dock area and leave nose out <br />whereas the semi-truck would back into the dock from Innovation Way and leave nose out. <br />According to the Applicant, Boston Scientific does not anticipate parking trucks on Innovation <br />Way, only pausing long enough to make the backing maneuver for semi-trucks. Staff does not <br />anticipate any issues related to traffic or circulation on Innovation Way due to the project. <br />2.1355.04 Procedural Requirements for Specific Applications <br />A public hearing for a PUD Amendment request is required before the request can be brought <br />before the City Council. The applicant or its representative shall be given the opportunity to appear <br />before the Planning Commission to answer questions or give explanations regarding the proposal. <br />Upon completion of the public hearing and its study and consideration of the application, the <br />Planning Commission shall submit its written report, containing its findings, conclusions, and <br />recommendations as to the application, to the City Council. <br />Under Section 1355.06 subd.4, an application for an amendment shall be administered in the same <br />manner as required for a new application. Any structural alteration, enlargement or intensification <br />change in site plan, or similar change not specially permitted, shall require City Council action and <br />all procedures shall apply as if a new application were being requested; provided, however, that <br />when such changes are deemed to be insignificant by the Zoning Administrator, the requirements <br />of a public hearing may be waived. <br />The structural alterations, enlargements or intensification changes proposed by the Applicant is <br />entirely internal to the site, so staff deems the changes to the PUD Agreement and Campus master <br />Plan insignificant. The changes to the site that the Applicants propose would impact less than 1% <br />of the total area within the PUD. Given these circumstances, staff waived the requirements of a <br />public hearing in this case. <br />Additional Review <br />Building Official <br />The Building Official has reviewed the plans and has no additional comments at this time. A <br />Building Permit will be required prior to any construction taking place. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer <br />The Public Works Director/City Engineer has reviewed the plans and has provided The Applicant <br />with a comment letter (Attchment D) and all comments shall be adopted herein by reference as a <br />condition of approval. <br />Findings of Fact
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