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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL – FEBRUARY 24, 2020 3 <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a <br />motion to approve the January 21, 2020, City Council Work Session meeting <br />minutes; and January 27, 2020, Regular City Council meeting minutes as <br />presented. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />7. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br />A. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Item - Claims and Payroll <br />B. Motion to Authorize Staff to Begin Recruitment for Maintenance Worker <br />C. Motion to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with HR Green for Hamline <br />Avenue, Shorewood Drive and City Hall Parking Lot Improvements <br />D. Motion to Approve Resolution 2020-011 Requesting Municipal State Aid Street <br />Funds Advance – 2018 Old Snelling Trail and Watermain Project <br />E. Motion to Approve Planning Case 19-018 – Planned Unit Development <br />Amendment and Site Plan Review – Boston Scientific – 4100 Hamline Avenue <br />F. Motion to Approve Planning Case 19-021 – Planned Unit Development <br />Amendment – Brausen Automotive – 1310 West County Road E <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a <br />motion to approve the Consent Calendar as amended and to authorize <br />execution of all necessary documents contained therein. The motion carried <br />unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />8. PULLED CONSENT ITEMS <br /> <br />A. Motion to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with HR Green for <br />Hamline Avenue, Shorewood Drive and City Hall Parking Lot Improvements <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked what amount would be paid for this professional services <br />agreement. She requested staff present the budgeted and actual amounts to the City Council in the <br />future. <br /> <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom explained the project was budgeted for <br />$345,000 which was an amount included in the adopted CIP for the three projects combined <br />(Hamline Avenue, Shorewood Drive and the City Hall parking lot improvements). He reported <br />the number listed under the actual amount was the total expenditures to date if the Council were to <br />approve this agenda item. This includes the professional services agreement, contract documents, <br />bidding, construction, surveying plus the money that has been expended to date. He indicated <br />staff was attempting to show the expenses to date if the Council were to approve this item. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes asked if the $345,000 was for the project design and construction. <br /> <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom reported this was the case. He stated he had a <br />feeling the overall construction costs and design engineering would run higher than $345,000. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes recommended the Council discuss this project further at a future <br />worksession meeting.