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ITEM: COUNTY SHARE: NOTES: Roundabouts 100% of County Legs Retaining Walls 50% 50% when retaining walls are constructed in lieu of right of way acquisition or to mitigate impacts; by negotiation when necessitated by design parameters. Grading Outside of Curb 100% 100% of area required for road construction. 50% of grading required specifically for sidewalks, trails, or other amenities. Medians 100% 100% of a standard concrete median design, including curb and gutter; municipalities shall pay for the additional cost of any decorative or aesthetic treatments. Sidewalks (new) 50% Includes grading, aggregate base, surfacing, and pedestrian ramps. Sidewalks (replacement) 100% 100% if in serviceable condition, as determined by the County Engineer; otherwise negotiable. Bituminous Trail (new) 50% Includes grading, aggregate base, surfacing, and pedestrian ramps. Bituminous Trail (replacement) 100% 100% if in serviceable condition, as determined by the County Engineer; otherwise negotiable.