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All County participation is subject to the availability of funds. On Federal Aid Projects, the federal funds shall be applied to all eligible items before cost participation is calculated. Federal participation is typically 50-80% of the total project cost. Right of Way (ROW) acquisition continues to grow in cost and complexity. Setting the County Cost share at 50% is intended to make the County an equal partner with the municipality(s), regardless of funding source(s) secured for a project. Early creation of a cooperative partnership helps ensure project scoping and alternatives analysis are comprehensive and consider all benefits and costs -- including right of way cost and impacts. Joint efforts can also identify specific locations where extraordinary ROW impacts are likely. In those cases, the County and City(s) can revisit available options or consider appropriate design changes. Timely recognition of unavoidable impacts can provide additional time for all parties to secure their respective funding sources. Redevelopment and/or future land use changes may also provide an opportunity to reduce conflicts with programmed improvements. Individual parcels which present exceptional challenges may justify an unequal distribution of City/County cost shares for consideration and approval of the County Board. Retaining Walls are generally constructed to reduce right of way impacts or to protect environmental resources such as wetlands or wooded areas. County cost participation will be at the 50% level for those wall installations similar to ROW cost participation. In situations where wall options are locally preferred or part of a community's aesthetic design goals, County participation will be reduced or eliminated. Resulting County contributions will be limited to benefits reducing impacts to adjoining properties or environmental resources. Trail/Sidewalk Grade Separations are desirable bike and pedestrian features but can be cost prohibitive in many settings. ADA compliance and mitigating access/safety issues often add substantial construction costs to otherwise straightforward structures - particularly in locations where space is limited. Design options can also vary from simple box culvert underpasses to elaborate bridge structures. The intent of a negotiated cost participation level of 0-50% is an acknowledgement of the enormous range in costs that may be proposed. It is important County participation adhere to sound benefit/cost considerations. County participation levels may also consider the availability of federal or other outside funding sources that materially reduce County and local shares.