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Page 3 of 3 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />* Initial estimate subject to revisions during the feasibility study <br /> <br />Preliminary Project Schedule <br />The following is a preliminary project delivery schedule for the 2021 PMP project. A refined project <br />schedule will be provided within the feasibility report. <br />Resolution Ordering a Feasibility Report April 27, 2020 <br />Informational Meeting/Online Open House #1 May 27, 2020 <br />Issue RFP for Engineering Design June 1, 2020 <br />Accept Feasibility Report, Call for Hearing June 22, 2020 <br />Improvement Hearing, Order Plans & Specs July 13, 2020 <br />Approve Engineering Design Agreement July 13, 2020 <br />Informational Meeting/Online Open House #2 October 14, 2020 <br />Approve Plans, Advertisement for Bids December 28, 2020 <br />Call for Assessment Hearing January 11, 2021 <br />Assessment Hearing February 22, 2021 <br />Accept Bids and Award Construction Contract February 22, 2021 <br />Start Construction April 21, 2021 <br />Construction Final Completion November 2, 2021 <br /> <br />Financial Impact <br />The preliminary project cost estimate as provided above is approximately $1.1 million more than the <br />current project budget provided in the 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Program. The CIP identifies <br />project funding sources consisting of the PIR fund, other (assessments), sanitary sewer utility, water <br />utility, surface water utility, and state aid funds (not available until 2025). As previously stated, the <br />total project cost estimate and proposed project funding sources will be further refined during <br />preparation of the feasibility report. <br /> <br />Attachments <br />Attachment A – Project Area Map <br />Attachment B – Summary of Infrastructure Conditions <br />Attachment C – Preliminary Cost Estimate <br />Category Estimated Cost <br /> CIP Budget <br />Streets – Neighborhood $1,757,000 <br />$1,375,000 <br />Streets – Lk Valentine Rd $170,000 <br />$125,000 <br />Water Dist. - Neighborhood $639,000 <br />$400,000 <br />San. Sewer – Neighborhood $422,000 <br />$400,000 <br />San. Sewer – Lk Valentine Rd $87,000 <br />$0 <br />Storm Drainage - Neighborhood $536,000 <br />$200,000 <br />TOTAL $3,611,000 <br /> <br />$2,500,000