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February 28, 2020 <br />Page 5 <br />K:\014908-000\Traffic\Traffic Study\Lake Valentine Road Study.docx <br /> <br />ANALYSIS PROCESS <br />The purpose of this analysis is to determine the existing and build year traffic operations for the <br />roadway network within the vicinity of the proposed development. The following summarizes the <br />study process and evaluation results. <br /> <br />Analysis Tool <br />Synchro/SimTraffic analysis software was used to analyze the Build Condition scenarios. <br />Synchro10 is a traffic operations analysis software package that implements the methodologies of <br />the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). Data from Synchro10 is transferred to SimTraffic10, a <br />detailed microscopic model that considers vehicle driver behavior, detailed interaction of vehicles <br />with each other and the roadway between adjacent intersections, random behavior of drivers, and <br />the delay for individual vehicles throughout the peak hour. Synchro10 uses the HCM methodology <br />to analyze intersection operations through one cycle of a traffic signal while SimTraffic10 simulates <br />the operation of the network of traffic signals through multiple cycles over a specif ied period of time <br />(e.g., 60 minutes). <br /> <br />Intersection Level of Service <br />The ability of an intersection to process traffic is affected by the number and type of vehicles, <br />desired turning movements, intersection geometrics, and traffic control devices. Inters ection level <br />of service (LOS) differs from segment LOS in that the quality of traffic operations is defined as the <br />delay to vehicles caused by the intersection’s traffic control rather than the ratio of vehicle volumes <br />to roadway capacity. Intersection LOS typically focuses on operations during the periods of the day <br />with the highest traffic volumes whereas segment LOS is based on traffic volumes over an average <br />24-hour period. Thus, the intersection LOS analysis gives a “worst-case” result for each intersection <br />and more clearly identifies operational problems at the intersections. <br /> <br />Because traffic signal timing is optimized in order to provide the best overall intersection delay, <br />while still keeping minor movement delay tolerable, movements with very low volumes may <br />experience higher delays than some high volume movements. In a coord inated system, priority is <br />given to the largest volume movements (usually through movements), and when a traffic signal has <br />a long cycle length, the majority of green time is allotted to the high volume movements. Because <br />of this, lower volume movements may experience LOS E or F simply because of the long duration <br />between green phases provided that movement. For example, if the northbound movement during <br />the PM peak hour is the primary movement, a small volume of southbound left turning vehicles <br />may suffer prolonged delay even with a very short average queue. <br /> <br />The intersection operational analysis process includes determining the LOS for the key <br />intersections under the existing peak hour traffic conditions. The City of Arden Hills has identified <br />that if a roadway operates at a Level of Service C or better during peak hours, it is generally <br />considered acceptable. If a roadway operates with a LOS D or worse during peak hours, <br />improvements should be considered (City of Arden Hills 2040 Comprehensive Plan). Figure 3 <br />presents the intersection LOS thresholds, in terms of seconds of vehicle delay, as defined in the <br />HCM. <br />
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