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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION _ JULY 27,2020 4 <br />B. Sound Barrier Discussion <br />Public Works Directory/City Engineer Blomstrom provided the Council with an update on the <br />two noise barrier locations identified in the MnDOT Noise Abatement Study. He explained the <br />first noise barrier location is on the east side of I-35W from Glenpaul North to the railroad bridge. <br />He noted the second potential noise barrier location is on the west side of Trunk Highway l0 from <br />Highway 96 south to Wedgewood Court. He reported that applications for the MnDOT <br />Standalone Noise Barrier program are due by the end of December. <br />Puhlic Works Directory lcity Engineer Blomstrom stated MnDOT has indicated they can <br />conduct new noise level readings to determine the cost effectiveness of noise barriers in response <br />to applications to the noise barrier program, He reported the f,rrst noise barrier is currently under <br />construction with the 35W MNPASS project. He commented the second wall section is still <br />eligible for application under the noise barrier program. He noted MnDOT funds about one wall <br />per year and the Trunk Highway 10 wall includes 24 properties and would cost $1.6 million to <br />complete. It was noted there was a 10% cost share for the City when noise wa[[s were <br />constructed. <br />Mayor Grant asked if the City's sost share portion for the Trunk Highway 10 noise wall would <br />be $160,000. <br />Public Works Directory/City Engineer Blomstrom reported this would be the case. <br />Councilmember Holden stated after some investigation, the City Council has leamed the City <br />cannot assess the cost for noise walls to property owners. She commented after speaking with <br />local legislators it appeared there was a lack of interest in this noise wall given the fact a petition <br />has not been brought forward and there was a lack of response from Arden Hills residents. <br />Councilmember McClung questioned if the City had modeling information for Highway <br />96iTrunk Highway 10 from MnDOT. <br />Public Works Directory/City Engineer Blomstrom explained he had discussed this with <br />MnDOT personnel and noted readings wsre collected when the signal was at this intersection <br />prior to the grade separation. At that point, MnDOT would have to reevaluate the intersection and <br />conduct new readings if the City were to reapply for the sound wall. He stated he could ask <br />MnDOT to complete the readings prior to the City completing an application. <br />Mayor Grant que stioned what was involved in the application process. <br />Public Works Directory/City Engineer Blomstrom reported the application process was a <br />simple two page document that would have to be approved by the City Council. <br />Mayor Grant recommended the City apply as this would provide the City with proper modeling <br />and noise levels at this intersection. <br />Councilmemher Holden did not agree. She stated it would be difficult for the City to get 24 <br />properties to come together on this noise wall. In addition, she explained the City did not have an