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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION _ JULY 27,2020 <br />Councilmemher McClung commented he would want a plan in place to ensure all guidelines <br />that were in place were being met to minimize risk. He noted he could support a limited soccer <br />program. <br />Councilmember Holden indicated this may be a perfect opportunity for Arden Hills residents to <br />reach out to a neighboring community that was offer fall soccer given the fact they have worked <br />out the social distancing for this program. She stated she would not support the city offering fall <br />soccer. <br />Mayor Grant explained his children have played in the fall soccer program and sometimes it <br />looks more like rugby than soccer. He questioned what City fields would be used for this <br />programming. <br />Recreation Programmer Vaughan reported Cummings and Hazelnut fields were used for fall <br />soccer. <br />Councilmember Holmes commented on the rules and regulations that were already in place by <br />the youth soccer organizations regarding how many kids can be on a team and how equipment is <br />to be cleaned. She believed if Arden Hills residents were forced to sign up through another <br />municipality, they would be charged a higher fee. <br />Recreation Programmer Vaughan stated this was correct, residents would be charged an <br />additional $10 for registration. He noted the City had 106 participants in fall soccer from age 4 <br />through sixth grade. <br />Mayor Grant commented the City could subsidize that $ l0 fee for Arden Hills families and this <br />would allow children to still play soccer this fall and the City would not have to manage the <br />programming. <br />Councilmember Holmes did not support this recommendation. <br />Councilmember Scott did not support the subsidy either. <br />Councilmemher Holden stated she would like to see staff beginning to focus on winter <br />programming options. She would like to see staff coming up with some creative options for the <br />community. <br />Councilmember Holmes agreed staff should focus on winter programming, <br />Councilmember McClung recommended staff begin focusing on the winter. <br />Councilmember Scott agreed. <br />Council consensus was to direct staff to begin focusing on winter programming. <br />J