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AGENDA ITEM – 4A <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />DATE: August 6, 2020 <br /> <br />TO: Financial Planning and Analysis Committee <br /> <br />FROM: Gayle Bauman, Finance Director <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Recreation Programs Review <br /> <br /> <br />Committee Should Consider <br />Continue discussing Recreation Program revenues and expenditures and review the percentage <br />of costs being covered by revenues. Make a recommendation on the cost coverage ratio for the <br />City Council to consider. <br /> <br />Discussion <br />This is a continuation of the discussion that took place at the February 25, 2020 FPAC meeting. <br />Council requested that FPAC look at all the factors related to Recreation Programs and develop a <br />recommendation on what percentage of costs should be covered by user fees. <br /> <br />Attachment A: Two columns have been added to the right as follows: <br /> <br />Version 1 Allocations BUDGET 2020 – the wage allocation for the Deputy Clerk was <br />reduced from 15% to 5%; the wage allocations for the Recreation Coordinator and <br />Recreation Programmer were adjusted to better represent their current job duties. <br /> <br />Version 2 Allocations BUDGET 2020 – an additional adjustment was made to the wage <br />allocation for the Recreation Coordinator to further show where we would ideally want <br />these job duties to move to in the future. <br /> <br />One thing to note with changing the allocations is that the remaining portion of these <br />wages still need to be picked up by another fund or department within the City. There is <br />no savings to the city just because the allocation to Recreation Programs is dropping. <br /> <br />Information was also included at the bottom of the spreadsheet to show the actual FTE’s worked <br />during any year. This will take into account when the positions were vacant. It appears that the <br />last time the City was at a full complement of full time employees for Recreation Programs was <br />in 2016, and we were very close to a full complement in 2019. <br />