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∙ Apartment. A room or suite of rooms located in a one- or two-family building or <br />multiple dwelling, which shall include a bath and kitchen accommodation, intended or <br />designed for use as an independent residence by a single household. <br /> ∙ Appeal. An application for the review of an order, requirement, decision, <br />determination or interpretation of this Code made by an administrative officer in the <br />application and/or enforcement of this Code. <br /> ∙ Basement. Any area of a structure, including crawl spaces, having its floor or base <br />subgrade (below ground level) on all four sides, regardless of the depth of excavation <br />below ground level. (revised 05/05/10) <br /> ∙ Bluff. A topographic feature such as a hill, cliff, or embankment having the following <br />characteristics (an area with an average slope of less than 18 percent over a distance for 50 <br />feet or more shall not be considered part of the bluff): (added 02/22/10) <br /> ∙ Part or all of the feature is located in a shoreland area; <br /> ∙ The slope rises at least 25 feet above the ordinary high water level of the water <br />body; <br /> ∙ The grade of the slope from the toe of the bluff to a point 25 feet or more above the <br />ordinary high water level averages 30 percent or greater; and <br /> ∙ The slope must drain toward the waterbody. <br /> ∙ Bluff impact zone. A bluff and land located within 20 feet from the top of a <br />bluff. (added 02/22/10) <br /> ∙ Board. The board of appeals and adjustment established by this Code. <br /> ∙ Boarding house. A structure where sleeping rooms are provided, with a common <br />entrance, internal access to all rooms, one (1) or more bathrooms, and one (1) or more <br />kitchens to provide lodging for at least three (3) but not exceeding five (5) persons. A <br />boarding house is distinguished from a transient accommodation such as a hotel or motel <br />as defined in this chapter. (added 7/14/10) <br /> ∙ Boulevard. That portion of a street lying between the lateral line of the roadway <br />portion thereof (i.e., the back of the curb or curb line) and the right-of-way line thereof <br />which may contain within its boundaries a sidewalk or portion of driveway. <br /> ∙ Brewpub. A restaurant that also has a facility that manufactures and distributes <br />intoxicating malt liquor or wine in total quantity not to exceed 250,000 barrels a year on <br />the premises. (added 10/29/12) <br /> ∙ Building. A structure which is designed and suitable for the habitation or shelter of <br />human beings or animals, or a shelter or storage of property, or is used for trade or <br />manufacturing. <br /> ∙ Building line. A line parallel to a lot line or the ordinary high water level at the <br />required setback beyond which a structure may not extend. (revised 02/22/10) <br /> ∙ Building, accessory structure or use. A subordinate building structure or use which is <br />located on the same lot on which the principal building or use is situated and which is <br />reasonable necessary, appropriate and incidental to the conduct of the primary use of such <br />principal building or principal use. <br /> ∙ Building envelope. (See Lot, Buildable portion of.)