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07-08-2020 PC
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07-08-2020 PC
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9/4/2020 2:50:04 PM
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9/4/2020 2:49:09 PM
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1305.04 Definitions. (revised 07/27/20) ∙ Acre. A quantity of land containing forty-three thousand, five hundred and sixty (43,560) square feet or one hundred sixty (160) square rods in whatever shape and pattern (e.g. circular, square, triangular, irregular, broad or narrow). ∙ Acre, net (as applied to PUD density calculations). One (1) acre of land, minus the two-thirds (2/3) of that portion of the acre encompassed by wetlands, one-half (1/2) of that portion of the acre encompassing wholly or partially hills, mounds, or slopes that drop at a rate of twelve percent (12%) or more per every fifteen (15) feet or more of distance; and the entire area of public streets. ∙ Administrative officer. The zoning administrator, building inspector, their deputies or assistants, and any other officials of the city charged with or engaged in the administration of this Code or any portion thereof. ∙ Administrator. The zoning administrator. ∙ Agricultural uses. Uses customarily associated with the growing of farm produce and the raising of farm animals for general use; but not including raising and feeding (feed lots) of livestock, fur farms and kennels. ∙ Alteration. As applied to a building or structure, a change or rearrangement in the structural parts or in the existing facilities, or an enlargement, whether by extending on a side or by increasing in height, or by moving from one location to another. ∙ Alley. A minor public or private way which is used primarily for vehicular service access to the back or side of a lot abutting on a street. ∙ Animals, domestic. Common household pets, such as dogs and cats, other animals kept for amusement, companionship, decoration, or interest. ∙ Animals, farm. Animals traditionally kept or raised on a farm for the purpose of providing food or products for sale or use, such as cattle, horses, goats, sheep, swine, fowl, bees, and animals raised for fur. ∙ Animals, wild. Animals such as wolves, tigers and poisonous snakes that are not normally a domestic animal or farm animal and would ordinarily be confined in a zoo or found in the wild. ∙ Antenna. Equipment, used for transmitting and/or receiving telecommunication, television or radio signals, which is located on the exterior, or outside, of any building or structure. ∙ Antenna, dish. A parabolic-shaped antenna (including all supporting apparatus) which is used for transmitting or receiving telecommunication, television or radio signals, which is located on the exterior, or outside, of any building or structure. ∙ Class I: Dish Antenna under thirty (30) inches or more in diameter; six (6) feet in surface area; or six (6) feet in height. ∙ Class II: Dish Antenna thirty (30) inches or more in diameter; six (6) square feet or more in surface area; or six (6) feet or more in height.
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