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May 19 Virtual Open House: Questions and Comments Received 4 <br />Question: Can the timing of the green arrow light going left on Lydia Ave. or Co. Rd. C2 be extended? <br />Answer: We have been giving the southbound left turn movement at Lydia Ave. and Co. Rd. C2 more time so <br />that they do not extend beyond their turn bay lengths. However, we do have to balance that with traffic on <br />northbound Snelling Ave. There are 35,000 vehicles a day and that is a lot of traffic to handle with a traffic signal. <br />Question: The lights at Lydia Ave. and at County RD C2 W have been much more dangerous for pedestrians <br />than the crossing of Hamline Ave. and Snelling Ave. How are you addressing those issues? How are you <br />tracking those issues? <br />Answer: The crossings at Lydia Ave. and at County RD C2 have a signal and although there is a lot of traffic, <br />people must come to a full stop. At Snelling Ave. and Hamline Ave. people are not stopping, so anybody crossing <br />Snelling Ave. at Hamline Ave. would be dealing with traffic that is going at a fairly high speed and not able to <br />stop. <br />MnDOT doesn’t have anything particular is planned for this time, but again we will be having a project that is <br />running up Snelling Avenue in 2025. As we plan for that project that’s definitely something we can look at and at <br />least take a look at what could be done. <br />Question: Traffic on Lydia Avenue seems to have increased. How are you addressing pedestrian and bicyclist <br />safety on Lydia Avenue? How have Lydia Avenue residents been made aware of the closure at Snelling <br />Avenue and Hamline Avenue? <br />Melissa Barnes, MnDOT: That would be beyond the scope of this project, but something we could talk about as <br />we move forward. What we're talking about today is really just closure of the median. The invitation to this open <br />house and all of the information that we've shared tonight to people along Lydia Ave. as well as people in this <br />area. Additionally, MnDOT is coordinating with the City of Roseville's efforts to improve signal timing at Lydia <br />that may help divert turning traffic to County Road C2 or C. <br />Marc Culver, City of Roseville: Some people have some concerns about traffic on Lydia Ave. and there's been a <br />lot of individual comments about pedestrian safety with the increased traffic. I think that's absolutely something <br />that the City of Roseville needs to look at with increased traffic. We have a pathway master plan that we <br />maintain and try to prioritize based on factors including traffic, access to transit, etc. We are looking at Lydia <br />Ave. as an area to improve pedestrian safety. <br />Glenhill Road <br />Question: How will the cable median barrier impacts residents who live in the Glenhill Road neighborhood? <br />Answer: For the Glenhill neighborhood west of Snelling Avenue, someone could still walk or bike through the <br />opening in the median. In order to travel north on Snelling Avenue, you would need to travel south on Hamline <br />Avenue and take a U-turn at Lydia Avenue. <br />Question: Will the turn lane from northbound Snelling Avenue to Glenhill Road be closing? <br />Answer: We are not looking at closing this turn lane. The neighborhood at Glennhill Road is much more <br />contained and there are no alternate routes to get there. In talking with emergency services, that is a much
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