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May 19 Virtual Open House: Questions and Comments Received 5 <br />more difficult neighborhood to get to and the alternate routes there are not as convenient. It would longer to <br />get there and there would be a lot more U-turns. <br />Question: What will be done to prevent U-turns on southbound Snelling Avenue to Glenhill Road? <br />Answer: The permanent change will be a median that creates a triangle to prevent people from making that <br />southbound U-turn. In the meantime, we are looking at putting up some flexible delineators to prohibit illegal U- <br />turns. <br />Cable Median Barrier Project <br />Question: How many miles of divided highway in MN are there with higher median incidents than Snelling <br />Ave. that don't have the barriers? <br />Answer: Besides crashes, MnDOT looks at risk factors including median width, ADT, and speed when comparing <br />segments. There are approximately 5 miles of highway in the Metro area that have a higher crash density than <br />Snelling. Like this segment those segments are being looked at proactively to be included with future projects. <br />Question: Is it legal to jump a cable median barrier? Will the cable median barrier effectively stop jay walkers <br />from crossing the grass median? <br />Answer: I am not aware of any laws addressing pedestrians and cable median barriers. Technically somebody <br />could jump it, but it would be a barrier and just like any fence it’s mountable, but it is something that would be <br />more difficult to cross. <br />Question: What about installing something more scenery friendly than a cable median? What about planting <br />trees? <br />Answer: There are not a lot of alternatives that are this effective. At the speed of Snelling Avenue in this area, <br />trees can become a hazard in themselves. When a car runs off the road, a tree becomes a hazard that people <br />can crash into as well. There have been four runoff road crashes since 2014 between Hwy 36 and I-694. Please <br />submit other ideas if you have suggestions. <br />Snelling Avenue <br />Question: How many vehicle crashes have there been where vehicles have crossed the median in this area? <br />What was the speed of the northbound traffic on Snelling in the most recent fatality? <br />Answer: Four in the last ten years. The police officer’s report did not list speed as a factor in the most recent <br />fatality. <br />Question: Is decreasing the speed on Snelling Avenue being considered? Isn't high speed a main cause of <br />accidents? <br />Answer: The speed limit is more a function of the design of the roadway. As we look to the future in 2025, we <br />can talk about what the roadway looks like. If we were to post the speed limit at a different speed limit, <br />motorists would likely still drive at about the same speed that it is today.