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09-09-2020 PC
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09-09-2020 PC
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9/9/2020 2:51:25 PM
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9/9/2020 2:49:47 PM
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<br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for September 9th, 2020 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2020\20-014 1434 County Road E - Var\PC Packets Page 3 of 7 <br />approximately twenty-four (24) feet wide in the rear. The property would otherwise meet the <br />minimum district requirements for lot length and size. <br /> <br /> <br />Structure Setbacks - Flexibility Requested <br />In the R-1 District, the minimum setback for an accessory structure in the rear or side yard is ten <br />(10) feet. As previously stated, the Applicant is requesting flexibility to encroach into the east side <br />yard setback for the expanded garage, which is currently only three (3) feet from the side property <br />line. Otherwise, if granted a variance for flexibility with the side yard setback, the Applicant’s <br />proposal would maintain the same distance from the property line as the current structure, but meet <br />all other district provisions for building structures. <br /> <br />2. General Regulations – Section 1325.01 <br /> <br />Accessory Structures <br />The Applicant intends to use this expanded garage for storage of their vehicles. City Code Section <br />1325.01 Subd 4 states that accessory structures associated with residential uses in the R-1, R-2, <br />and R-3 Districts shall not exceed 728 square feet. City Code Section 1325.01 Subd. 7 allows for <br />deviations from these requirements may be permitted after Planning Commission review and City <br />Council approval of a site plan. The site plan approval for expanding accessory structures requires <br />similar documentation as a variance request. The applicant needs to provide documentation <br />showing the unusual circumstances justifying the proposed deviation and plans for the proposed <br />accessory structure. The same code section also states that under no circumstances shall the total <br />floor area of all accessory structures associated with a residential use in the R-1 district exceed <br />1,458 square feet. Given the proposal is for a garage expansion, a site plan is required to be <br />approved as part of the requested variance for this planning case. The proposed floor area of the <br />garage would be 1,100 square feet, the Applicant is limited to 358 square feet for the floor area of <br />any other accessory structures on site. As a condition of approval, staff is recommending that the <br />Subject Property be limited to one (1) accessory structure. No additional structures may be built <br />on the property. <br /> <br />City Code Section 1325.01 Subd. 2 states that accessory structures in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 <br />Districts shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height or the height of the principal structure to which <br />it is accessory, whichever is lower. In practice, the City measures the height of a structure from <br />the grade to the midpoint of the peak. The Applicant’s plans indicate that the proposed garage will <br />meet the requirements of the code. Staff are recommending as conditions of approval that the <br />Applicant’s proposal for the accessory structure meet the requirements for a permitted <br />encroachment outlined for a principal structure in that the exterior materials of the proposed <br />addition shall be consistent or complementary in color, texture and quality with those visible on <br />the existing accessory structure and the roof of the proposed addition shall be integrated into, and <br />consistent with, the existing structure of the roof. <br /> <br />According to City Code Section 1325.01 Subd. 3, accessory structures in the R-1, R-2, or R-3 <br />Districts shall not be located nearer the front lot line than the front yard setback line for the <br />principal structure to which it is accessory. Accessory structures as permitted and regulated in this <br />Code may be located within the rear yard of the principal structure in the R-1 and R-2 Districts. <br />The proposed accessory structure will not encroach any further into the front yard setback, but will <br />extend into the backyard of the Subject Property.
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