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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – JULY 20, 2020 12 <br /> <br /> <br />Mayor Grant asked if regarding the 2020 General Fund balance the Council would like to take <br />the overage and apply it to the purchase of the fire station property. <br /> <br />Council agreed. <br /> <br />Finance Director Bauman said the plan includes an increase to the tax levy to the Public Safety <br />Fund in anticipation of the new fire station. Should staff move forward with that assumption and <br />go forward with the 2021 budget? <br /> <br />Council agreed. <br /> <br />Finance Director Bauman said she would like to know what equipment purchases they’d be <br />comfortable putting into the 2021 CIP. Each of them would still have to come forward to the <br />Council for final approval. <br /> <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom said they should have information regarding <br />the planning and maintenance of equipment by the end of the week. A weighted average PCI for <br />the City would be done by end of the week as well. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant asked to see that information before they make decisions on equipment. They <br />would come back to the CIP at a future meeting. <br /> <br />D. Environmental Investigation for Snelling North Avenue <br /> <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom said the City initiated a feasibility study for <br />the project in late 2019. During the geotechnical investigation process for the feasibility study, <br />the soil boring company reported “Apparent Hydrocarbon Odors” at 11 of the 15 soil boring <br />locations. The City hired WSB to conduct an environmental investigation to assist with <br />identification of potential contaminants within the project. He is asking if the Council wants to <br />proceed with a Response Action Plan and a Construction Contingency Plan. Staff is also seeking <br />direction if the City Council wishes to continue considering construction of a new trail to the <br />south of County Road E. Mr. Blomstrom described the three project alternatives for Snelling <br />Avenue North as outlined in the agenda memo. <br /> <br />Mr. Spenser said WSB completed environmental due diligence on an approximately .8 mile <br />stretch of Old Snelling Avenue. As part of that a Phase I Environmental Assessment was <br />completed to research the history to try to find what was causing the petroleum odors from the <br />borings. There were two environmental conditions (REC’s), one was the notation of the <br />petroleum odor, the other was contaminated soils that were noted during a bridge replacement in <br />2018 that required correction due to elevated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), polycyclic <br />aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and diesel range organics (DRO). The soils had to be exported to <br />a landfill. Results of Phase I recommended Phase II, which involved collecting data of soil, <br />groundwater and soil vapor. That was completed in April 2020. Fourteen borings were taken. <br />They found a few areas with elevated contamination in the soil that if disturbed would require <br />special handling of material. WSB is recommending a Response Action Plan be prepared in <br />preparation for any future improvements of the roadway. That document will guide the contractor