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Shoulders100% 100% of the width required to meet State Aid design standards. 100% in cities under 5,000 population or in White Bear Township. 100% on maintenance pavement preservation projects. 50% outside of the required width. ITEM: COUNTY SHARE: NOTES: Concrete Curb & Gutter (new) 25% Concrete Curb & Gutter (replacement) 100% 100% if in serviceable condition, as determined by the County Engineer; otherwise negotiable. 100% of curb and gutter as part of median construction required for traffic channelization or to serve as a pedestrian refuge. Storm Sewer % Eligible for State Aid Culverts100%Water Main Modification 100% 100%, if required for construction. 0% on betterments. Sanitary Sewer Modification 100% 100%, if required for construction. 0% on betterments