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<br /> <br />Feasibility Report Page 11 <br />Snelling Avenue North and County Road E - Street and Utility Improvements <br />City Project Number PW 20-0100 DRAFT <br />3. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS <br /> <br />3.1 Street Improvements: Area 1 – Snelling Avenue North <br />Two alternatives for roadway improvements along Snelling Avenue North from County <br />Road E to Highway 51 were investigated as part of this study. <br /> <br />Alternative 1 - Full Reconstruction Plus Trail: This alternative includes the full depth <br />reconstruction of the roadway and the addition of an 8 to 10 foot wide multiuse <br />pedestrian/bicycle trail extending from County Road E to Highway 51. The potential trail <br />was considered based on the City’s 2040 comprehensive plan which identifies a proposed <br />regional bicycle transportation network trail extending along Snelling Avenue North from <br />Hamline Avenue at Highway 51 to Lake Valentine Road. <br /> <br />A schematic layout of the proposed roadway and trail improvements for Alternative 1 is <br />provided in Appendix G. The proposed road section and trail alignment were identified due <br />to several challenges along the corridor. While the road is located in a wide right of way, <br />there are sections of steep grades along several sections, with side slopes adjacent to the road <br />in excess of 1:3 and grade differentials of 25 feet or more at certain locations, in addition to <br />delineated wetland boundaries along the corridor. <br /> <br />Alternative 1 proposes to narrow the roadway from 40 feet to a width of 28 to 34 feet within <br />the center section, install curb and storm sewer, and set the trail alignment directly adjacent <br />to the west curb line in an attempt to minimize substantial tree removal, minimize large <br />volumes of cut and fill grading, and avoid impacts to delineated wetlands. A similar trail <br />alignment was used along Snelling Avenue to the north of County Road E. <br /> <br />The advantages of Alternate 1 include completion of a segment of regional trail and <br />providing a dedicated facility for pedestrian and bicycles along the road corridor currently <br />posted at 40 mph. Pedestrians currently walk along the 8 -foot wide paved shoulder. The <br />disadvantages of Alternate 1 include a substantial increase in project costs, increased scope <br />and construction timeline for installation of curb and storm sewer, increased risk of <br />encountering areas of soil contamination during storm sewer installation, use of limited city <br />funds compared to higher priority trail segments to the north of County Road E, and creation <br />of a paved trail segment that terminates at Highway 51 with no safety improvements to cross <br />the highway at Hamline Avenue. <br /> <br />Alternative 2 - FDR Pavement Replacement (no trail): This alternative consists of <br />reclaiming the existing pavement by milling the bituminous pavement material and blending <br />it with the upper portion of the underlying aggregate base, commonly referred to as full depth <br />reclamation (FDR). Approximately 4-inches of reclaimed material would then be removed <br />to maintain the existing vertical profile of the road, and a new 4-inch thick bituminous <br />pavement section would be placed to the existing 40-feet road width, including two 12-foot