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Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />thoughts on the language below from the City of Lakeville? The city of Bloomington <br />has similar language. <br />“The coop and run shall be located closer to the principal dwelling upon the property <br />to which the administrative permit is issued than any other residential dwelling on an <br />abutting property.” <br />5. Should chicken coops or chicken runs be required to maintain a minimum setback <br />from adjacent dwellings? Yes/No - If yes, staff will do GIS analysis to determine <br />necessary setbacks and will share those findings at a future meeting. <br />6. A common theme in the survey comments was the need for screening. Should <br />fencing and/or landscape screening be required? Yes/No <br />7. Upon review of other municipalities code, some cities require applicants to read to <br />"Recommendations for Municipal Regulations of Urban Chickens (2010)" <br />(Attachment A) or similar publications approved by the City prior to the issuance of a <br />license or permit. Does Council support this type requirement? Yes/No <br />8. Should applicants be required to submit a plan for maintaining adequate coop <br />temperature? Below is sample language from Lakeville. Yes/No <br /> <br />“Prior to issuance of an annual license, the prospective annual license holder must <br />provide a plan for maintaining an adequate temperature in the coop for safety of the <br />fowl or poultry. The plan must address both extreme winter and summer temperature <br />conditions.” <br /> <br />9. Depending on the size of the coop should it count against the number and size of <br />accessory structures onsite? The city of Bloomington has the language below. <br />Yes/No <br /> <br />“Shelters and enclosures shall count against the number and size of accessory <br />buildings allowed on site if over 50 square feet in area.” <br /> <br />Next Steps <br /> <br />Staff will incorporate the feedback provided by Council into the draft language. Staff will bring <br />forward draft language to review at an upcoming work session. <br /> <br />Budget Impact <br /> <br />N/A <br /> <br />Attachment <br /> <br />A. Recommendations for Municipal Regulations of Urban Chickens (2010) <br />