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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 11, 2021 3 <br />being held virtually, it was deemed more practical to swear in each Councilmember separately <br />while still meeting statute requirements. On Tuesday, January 5, 2021, the Oath of Office was <br />administered by the City Clerk to Councilmember Holden and Councilmember McClung at City <br />Hall, satisfying the "sight and sound" requirement of State law. <br />Councilmember Holden thanked her husband for his support and understanding. She stated she <br />was proud and humbled to serve the City of Arden Hills again for the next four years. <br />Councilmember McClung stated he was looking forward to working with the Council for the <br />next four years. He explained he appreciated how well the Council works together. He thanked the <br />residents of Arden Hills for their support and for returning him to the City Council. He reported <br />he has appreciated the phone calls and emails he has received from residents. He stated 2020 was <br />an interesting year and he was looking forward to all the positive things that would occur in 2021. <br />Mayor Grant congratulated Councilmember Holden and Councilmember McClung on their <br />reelections. <br />5. STAFF COMMENTS <br />A. COVID-19 Update <br />City Administrator Perrault provided the Council with an update on how the City was <br />responding to COVID-19. He encouraged residents to visit the City's website for the most current <br />and up to date information regarding COVID-19. He reported the Minnesota Department of <br />Health and CDC also had websites with current guidelines and recommendations. <br />He explained the City of Arden Hills remains in a peacetime state of emergency and City Hall will <br />remain closed until further notice. He indicated City staff remains operational and can be reached <br />via phone or email. He reported the governor recently announced the rollback of certain COVID <br />mitigation measures. He stated further information regarding these rollbacks were available on the <br />City's website and State of Minnesota's website. <br />6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />A. November 23, 2020, Special City Council Work Session <br />B. November 23, 2020, Regular City Council <br />C. November 23, 2020, Special City Council Executive Session (Closed) <br />D. December 14, 2020, Regular City Council <br />E. December 21, 2020, City Council Work Session <br />F. December 21, 2020, Special City Council <br />Councilmember Holden noted she had one change to the December 21, 2020 worksession <br />meeting minutes and this change was presented to the City Clerk. <br />