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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 11, 2021 4 <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a <br />motion to approve the November 23, 2020, Special City Council Work Session <br />meeting minutes, November 23, 2020, Regular City Council meeting minutes, <br />_November 23, 2020, Special City Council Executive Session _(Closed) meeting <br />minutes, December 14, 2020, Regular Citv Council meeting minutes, <br />December 21, 2020, City Council Work Session meeting minutes; and <br />December 21. 2020, Special City Council meeting minutes as amended. A roll <br />call vote was taken. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br />7. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />A. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Item - Claims and Payroll <br />B. Motion to Adopt Resolution 2021-001 — Relating to the 2021 Organization of the <br />City of Arden Hills <br />C. Motion to Adopt Resolution 2021-002 — Relating to the Appointments to the <br />Commission and Committees of the City <br />D. Motion to Approve Payment No. 1 to Air Express, Inc. — City Hall HVAC <br />Replacement Project <br />E. Motion to Approve Ramsey County Shared Service Agreement for Erosion and <br />Sediment Control Inspections <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a <br />motion to approve the Consent Calendar as presented and to authorize <br />execution of all necessary documents contained therein. A roll call vote was <br />taken. The motion carried unanimously 5-0 . <br />8. PULLED CONSENT ITEMS <br />None. <br />9. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />None. <br />10. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Resolution 2021-003 — Approving a Variance at 3493 Siems Court — Planning <br />Case 20-017 <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla stated at the October 7, 2020 <br />Planning Commission meeting the Applicant requested a variance to build a 120 square foot <br />accessory storage structure that encroached eighteen (18) inches into the Shore Impact Zone of <br />Lake Johanna. The proposed structure exceeded the eight (8) foot height limitation at ten (10) feet, <br />six (6) inches. The Planning Commission voted to table the request to allow the Applicant to <br />revise their plans to better conform to the Shoreland Ordinance provisions. <br />