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Page 3 of 8 <br /> <br />stalls or 120 total should adequately support the proposed use per the applicants formula. As a <br />condition of approval the Applicant is required to provide the cross parking agreement with <br />Bethel University for the City Attorney to review and for City Council approval prior to the <br />approval of the Developer Agreement. <br />Tree Preservation <br />During the January 25, 2021 meeting the City Council requested additional information from the <br />Applicant showing how they came up with their requested $20,000 fee-in-lieu of tree <br />replacement. The summary can be found in Attachment F. The pricing was based on quantity <br />and species type of existing trees on site, matched with the replacement cost of commercially <br />available trees and not by caliper inch as required by ordinance. Below is breakdown of the <br />costs: <br />Tree Pricing <br />• Cottonwood: 57 trees x $153 <br />• Boxelder: 29 trees x $153 <br />• Willow: 9 trees x $153 <br />• Sugar Maple: 1 tree x $500 <br />• Red Oak: 1 tree x $500 <br />• American Elm: 1 tree x $500 <br />= $16,035 x 110% = $17,639 <br />City Code Section 1325.055 outlines the Tree Preservation Ordinance. The Applicant submitted <br />a tree inventory and preservation plan with replacement calculations. Upon further review of the <br />previous tree replacement calculations it appears the Applicant included trees that are considered <br />nuisance trees that should not be included in the tree replacement calculations (Attachment C). <br />The report included trees that were identified by the tree surveyor as dead, dying, in poor or <br />critical condition. Below is the description used by the tree surveyor to identify what trees <br />considered in poor, critical or dead condition. <br />A. Poor – a poor tree has significant problems that are irrecoverable. <br />B. Critical – a tree is almost dead and shows a live crown less than 20%. <br />C. Dead – a dead tree shows no sign of life. <br />In response the Applicant has revised their tree inventory and preservation plan (Attachment D). <br />The revised plan shows the removal of the nuisance trees reducing the overall existing significant <br />caliper inches from 3,837 to 3,593. In addition, the Applicant is proposing to preserve an <br />additional 38 caliper inches of existing trees onsite for a total 748 caliper inches. The Applicant <br />is proposing to remove 2,845 caliper inches or 115 trees. The ordinance allows removal of ten <br />(10) percent without replacement or 284.5 caliper inches. Removal of the remaining 2,560.5 <br />caliper inches of trees requires mitigation at a ratio of 1:2 replacement, or 1,280.28 caliper <br />inches. <br />However, ordinance allows for trees to be planted onsite as shown on the landscaping plan to <br />subtracted from the required mitigation. The Application is proposing to plant 187 trees, with a <br />total of 564 caliper inches. The total required replacement is 716.25 caliper inches.