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SRF Consulting Group City of Arden Hills | Mounds View High School Trail Improvements 2 <br />Scope of Services <br />TASK 1 - PROJECT COORDINATION <br />SRF Project Manager will hold a kickoff meeting, conduct bi-weekly <br />telephone check-in meetings with City staff and review available <br />project related information and record plans. <br />The SRF Project Manager will regularly review project budget and <br />schedule to ensure overall concurrence with the project objectives <br />and in order to meet established milestones. <br />SRF will maintain quality controls with independent quality checks <br />per the SRF Quality Management Plan. <br />SRF will coordinate efforts with other agency stakeholders including <br />the following: <br />• Attend/participate in up to two Arden Hills City Council meetings. <br />• Attend/participate in up to two coordination meetings with Ram- <br />sey County. Additional detail noted in Task 8. <br />• Attend/participate in up to two coordination meetings with the <br />Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />TASK 2 - PROJECT SURVEY <br />SRF will conduct a topographic and property survey of the project <br />corridor to collect elevations and locations of surface/subsurface <br />features, per standards identified in the RFP. <br />SRF will locate property corners, reference area plats and prepare a <br />base ROW map of the project area for use in preparing construction <br />plans. Existing utilities along the corridor will be identified by gopher <br />state one call and drafted into a base map for use in the plans. A <br />utility coordination meeting will be held during design to engage <br />the facility owners, discuss schedule and request relocations as <br />required. Impacted owners will be invited to the preconstruction <br />meeting for followup. <br />TASK 3 - GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION & <br />SECURING REQUIRED EASEMENTS <br />SRF will coordinate a geotechnical investigation for the project site <br />and have a geotechnical recommendation memorandum with bor- <br />ing logs prepared. This work will be completed by our subconsultant <br />Northern Technologies Incorporated (NTI). <br />TASK 4 - PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT <br />Critical to the success of a trail project like this is clear and transpar- <br />ent communication with the affected public. SRF will follow a clear <br />and organized process for public engagement. The plan will include <br />an online property owner survey form to be distributed to adjacent <br />residents. SRF will also conduct a public informational meeting with <br />adjacent property owners. Given current restrictions on public gath- <br />erings this meeting is likely to be virtual, however, if weather and <br />health restrictions allow the meeting would ideally be held outside <br />along the corridor. <br />Regardless of the meeting format, the SRF Public Engagement Team <br />(PET) has a wide variety of tools and activities to make the public <br />engagement process inclusive, engaging and effective in generat- <br />ing public input and finding opportunities to reduce potential costs. <br />TASK 5 - ALTERNATIVES REVIEW <br />SRF will review and evaluate alternatives and approximate costs for <br />the trail alignment based on site conditions along the project corri- <br />dor. Alternatives that may be considered would be changes to the <br />roadway lane configuration of Snelling Avenue and Lake Valentine <br />Road to minimize property impacts and easement needs. SRF will <br />review alternatives in a meeting with City staff to determine the pre- <br />ferred trail alignment and get City concurrence prior to proceeding <br />with detailed design efforts.