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SRF Consulting Group City of Arden Hills | Mounds View High School Trail Improvements 3 <br />TASK 6 - CONSTRUCTION PLANS <br />(INCLUDING PERMITTING) <br />SRF will prepare construction plans for the selected alternative, <br />based on State Aid, MN Bicycle Facility Design Manual and other <br />accepted design standards. <br />The plan set shall include, but is not limited to, the following sheets: <br />• Title Sheet <br />• Statement of Estimated Quantities and Cost Participation <br />• Construction Notes, Standard Plates, and ADA Compliance <br />• Typical Sections <br />• Removal Sheets <br />• Plan and Profile Sheets for Trail, Drainage and Retaining Walls <br />• Pavement and Curb Restoration Sheets <br />• Grading Plan <br />• Erosion Control Sheets <br />• SWPPP Sheets <br />• Cross Sections <br />A refined concept layout and estimate will be submitted for review <br />by the City at 30% and plans by both the City and County at 60% <br />and 90%. 100% plans will be provided to the City and County for <br />final approval. <br />Project specifications and project manual bidding support and con- <br />struction admin will not be provided at this time, but can be amended <br />in to the project at a later date as project funding and construction <br />timeframe become more clearly defined. <br />SRF will provide three paper copies and a pdf digital copy of final <br />plans. SRF will delineate corridor wetlands and prepare a report to <br />commence project permitting with the rice creek watershed district <br />(RWCD). Permit applications will be completed and submitted for <br />initial review but not fully approved until construction is imminent. <br />Wetlands are anticipated to be impacted but mitigation is unlikely. <br />TASK 7 - EASEMENT DOCUMENTS <br />SRF will prepare a right-of-way boundary map for Ramsey County <br />and easement drawings and legal descriptions for up to 19 individ- <br />ual parcels along the corridor requiring permanent and temporary <br />easements necessary for installation and long term maintenance of <br />the proposed improvements. Through the design process, we will <br />look to reduce or eliminate the need for any easement or right-of <br />way impacts. <br />Acquisitions will be completed by the City. <br />TASK 8 – COUNTY COORDINATION <br />SRF will prepare a cost participation summary tabulation spread- <br />sheet and project location map as exhibits to assist City and County <br />staff in the development of a cooperative agreement for the seg- <br />ment of trail along Snelling Ave. <br />SRF designed trail along CSAH 112 and Long Lake in Long Lake, MN