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Month1.0 Project Coordination1.1 Project Kickoff Meeting with City Staff1.2 Project Coordination meetings (every 2-weeks)1.3 City Council Meetings (2)1.4 Watershed District Coordination (2 Meetings)2.0 Project Survey / Wetland Services2.1 Topographic Survey2.2 Wetland Services3.0 Geotechnical Investigation3.1 Braun Field Work4.0 Public Engagement4.1 Informational Meeting / Surveys5.0 Alternatives Review5.1 Preliminary Concept Trail Alignment5.2 Preliminary ROW & Stormwater Management Impacts5.3 Concept Level Cost Estimate6.0 Construction Plans6.1 Final Design & Plan Development6.2 Submittals (60%, 90%, Final)7.0 Easement Documents7.1 Easement Exhibits & Descriptions8.0 County Coordination8.1 Ramsey County Coordination Meetings2021FebruaryMarchAprilCity of Arden HillsMVHS Trail ImprovementsMayJuneMVHS Trail ImprovementsCity of Arden Hills, MNPage 8