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Dear Mr. Blomstrom and Mr. Swearingen: <br />Kimley-Horn is pleased to submit this proposal to the City of Arden Hills <br />for the Mounds View High School (MVHS) Trail Improvements project. We <br />understand the City is seeking a consultant to provide engineering and <br />surveying services for a pedestrian trail along Snelling Avenue North from <br />County Road E2 to Lake Valentine Road and along Lake Valentine Road <br />from Crystal Avenue to MVHS. The City has enhanced its trail network with <br />multiple projects over the past decade and is now looking to continue those <br />efforts by connecting MVHS and the Valentine Hills neighborhood to the trail <br />V\VWHP.LPOH\+RUQSURYLGHVWKHIROORZLQJEHQHƄWVWRWKH&LW\WRGHOLYHU <br />this project: <br />Extensive Trail Design Experience. Kimley-Horn has completed trail design <br />of more than 10 miles of trails in Arden Hills and Ramsey County in the <br />SDVWƄYH\HDUVLQFOXGLQJWKHWUDLODGMDFHQWWR09+6FRPSOHWHGLQWR <br />which this project will connect. The trail design along Old Snelling Avenue <br />will require close coordination with Ramsey County Public Works. Kimley- <br />Horn has proven to be a trusted partner who is committed, dependable, and <br />proactive in looking out for our clients’ interests. Our Ramsey County and <br />Arden Hills trail design experience includes the following: <br /> z Lake Valentine Road Trail Improvements <br /> z County Road E Bridge Pedestrian Improvements <br /> z Rice Creek Remeander and Trail Improvements <br /> z Bruce Vento Trail Extension Final Design <br /> z South Shore Boulevard Trail <br /> z Cleveland Avenue Trail <br />User Experience at the Forefront. Kimley-Horn’s trail design approach will <br />balance the perspectives of the trail user and neighborhood throughout <br />design. Our focus will be on successful user experience, safety, and how the <br />WUDLOFRPSRQHQWVƄWLQWRDEXWWLQJSURSHUWLHVPHDQLQJHYHU\GHVLJQGHFLVLRQ <br />we make will be thoughtful and intentional. <br />We are excited to have the opportunity to provide our unparalleled experience <br />at a competitive cost to serve Arden Hills for this project. Please contact me <br />ZLWKDQ\TXHVWLRQVDWJUHJNXIDKO#NLPOH\KRUQFRPRU <br />Sincerely, <br />Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc <br />GREG KUFAHL, P.E. <br />Project Manager <br />JON B. HORN, P.E. <br />Principal-in-Charge <br />RE:JANUARY 11, 2021 <br />TODD BLOMSTROM <br />CITY ENGINEER <br />DAVID SWEARINGEN <br />ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER <br />City of Arden Hills <br />:+LJKZD\ <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112 <br />KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES <br />(XVWLV6WUHHW6XLWH <br />6W3DXO01 <br />TABLE OF <br />CONTENTS <br />A. Project Understanding and <br />Approach..... .............................1 <br />B. Scope of Services ................. 2 <br />C. Project Team ......................... 4 <br />D. Resume of Project Manager and <br />Key Team Members ................... 6 <br />E. Project Schedule ................... 9 <br />F. Fee Table ............................. 10