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RSRD06039.2020 <br />1 <br />23 <br />Lake Valentine <br />R <br />o <br />a <br />d <br />4 <br />S <br />n <br />e <br />l <br />l <br />i <br />n <br />g <br /> <br />A <br />v <br />e <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />Lake Valentine Road <br />Maintenance of front yard landscaping <br />Driveway crossings <br />Grading/retaining walls <br />Overhead utility relocation <br />Opportunities for boulevard separation <br />Snelling Avenue North <br />Maintenance of vegetative screening <br />of residences <br />Drainage/storm sewer/water quality <br />Wetland impacts <br />Grading/retaining walls <br />Overhead utility relocation <br />Opportunities for boulevard separation <br />Issues Map Notes <br />1. Improve intersection <br />crossing safety <br />2. Design intersection to <br />facilitate future trail <br />extension <br />3. Consider meander through <br />Valentine Park <br />4. Consider intersection <br />improvements to reduce <br />crossing distance at CR E2 <br />Proposed Trail <br />Existing Trail <br />Mounds View <br />High School <br />Valentine <br />Lake <br />Bethel <br />College <br />Design Considerations <br />County Road E2 West <br />A. PROJECT <br />UNDERSTANDING AND <br />APPROACH <br />The City of Arden Hills is seeking professional planning <br />and design services for the construction of an off- <br />road multi-use trail along Snelling Avenue North and <br />Lake Valentine Road. The proposed trail will provide a <br />convenient link for the Valentine Hills neighborhood and <br />MVHS and complete a gap in the existing trail network <br />between New Brighton to the west and County Road E2 <br />to the south. <br />The character of the corridor varies from Lake Valentine <br />Road consisting of curb and gutter street with manicured <br />front yards with landscaping and driveways to Old <br />Snelling Avenue which includes a rural roadway with a <br />more natural feel with Valentine Lake on one side and a <br />thick vegetative screen abutting adjacent residential back <br />yards. Valentine Park is situated at the intersection of <br />these two segments. <br />7KHFRUULGRULQFOXGHVIHHWRIDYDLODEOHULJKWRIZD\ <br />beyond roadway edges however some additional property <br />acquisition may be necessary to construct the trail due <br />to grading and drainage concerns. The construction of <br />curb and gutter along with storm drainage infrastructure <br />is envisioned along the Old Snelling Avenue segment to <br />facilitate the trail. <br />Our design approach will focus on the following key <br />elements: <br />Trail User Experience: We approach trail design from <br />the perspective of the experience of anticipated users. <br />7UDLOZLGWKDOLJQPHQWVHSDUDWLRQIURPWUDIƄFVLJKWOLQHV <br />and opportunities to create interest are all elements we <br />consider as we develop alternatives for evaluation and <br />testing. A successful trail design will not only provide <br />safe and convenient connection, it will also provide an <br />enjoyable experience. <br />Intersection Safety: The trail includes six intersections <br />with county and city streets. We will assess each <br />intersection’s unique characteristics to develop options <br />that enhance trail safety through improved sightlines, <br />intuitive pedestrian ramp layout, and reduced crossing <br />distances where possible. <br />Being a Good Neighbor: With the exception of Valentine <br />Park, the proposed trail will be constructed in front or back <br />yards of established neighborhoods. We understand that <br />the design needs to be sensitive to this fact and considerate <br />of interests and wishes of the abutting property owners in <br />order to be well received in the community. We will consider <br />how design alternatives may impact or enhance abutting <br />properties and communicate that information honestly and <br />respectfully to the property owners. <br />Connections to the Existing Network: The proposed trail <br />includes connections to existing trails at four locations <br />along the corridor. We will review existing pedestrian <br />ramps at these locations and assess whether they comply <br />ZLWKFXUUHQW$'$GHVLJQJXLGDQFH0RGLƄFDWLRQVWRWKHVH <br />UDPSVZLOOEHLGHQWLƄHGLIDSSURSULDWHIRUFRPSOLDQFHRUWR <br />provide better safety and trail alignment. <br />Design Considerations