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RSRD06039.2020 <br />5 <br />WKHFRUULGRU2XUVHUYLFHVLQFOXGHGRYHUDOOWUDLOGHVLJQUHWDLQLQJZDOOGHVLJQDQGPRGLƄFDWLRQVWRWKH&RXQW\5RDG( <br />DQG7+EULGJHVRYHU%16)WUDFNVWRDOORZIRUWKHWUDLOWRSDVVXQGHUWKHURDGZD\V <br />Rice Creek Remeander and Trail Improvements, Ramsey County, MN <br />Ramsey County selected the Kimley-Horn team to relocate and reintroduce meanders within a portion of Rice <br />&UHHNDIIHFWLQJDSSUR[LPDWHO\IHHWRIH[LVWLQJFKDQQHO7KHSULPDU\SXUSRVHRIWKHSURMHFWZDVWRIDFLOLWDWHWKH <br />UHFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQDW&RXQW\5RDG &5 +,:QRUWKERXQG 1% RQUDPSSURSRVHG,:1%H[LW <br />UDPSDQGWKHSURSRVHG5LFH&UHHN&RPPRQV IRUPHU7&$$3VLWH DFFHVVURDGVLQWRDƄYHOHJJHGGRXEOHODQH <br />roundabout. The realignment of the creek was designed to minimize the length of channel that would be placed in <br />culverts and provide opportunity for creek enhancements. The project added more than 500 feet of channel length to <br />Rice Creek by realigning the creek around the new CR H roundabout intersection and adding meanders to the new <br />FUHHNFKDQQHO$IRRWORQJIRRWE\IRRWGRXEOHER[FXOYHUWZDVUHSODFHGE\DEULGJH7KHSURMHFWLQYROYHG <br />grading, installation of culverts, installation of utility casings, erosion control, and restoration. <br />Rush Line Corridor Environmental Analysis, Ramsey County, MN <br />The project includes reconstruction of more than 5 miles of Bruce Vento Regional trail in conjunction with the addition <br />RIPLOHVRI%57FRUULGRU$VWKHSULPHFRQVXOWDQW.LPOH\+RUQGHYHORSHGDQGWHVWHGGHVLJQDOWHUQDWLYHVDVVRFLDWHG <br />with trail relocation and facilitated numerous public engagement events focused on how the BRT guideway and trail <br />FRXOGLQWHUDFWZLWKHDFKRWKHU3UHOLPLQDU\HQJLQHHULQJZRUNKDVLQFOXGHGGHYHORSPHQWRIWUDLODOLJQPHQWVSURƄOHV <br />cross sections, trail underpasses and bridges, retaining walls and safety improvements at street crossings. Kimley- <br />+RUQOHGWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIGHVLJQJXLGHOLQHVWRLQIRUPƄQDOGHVLJQHOHPHQWVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHWUDLOFRUULGRUVXFK <br />as landscaping, fencing, lighting and retaining wall aesthetics. <br />5th Street Pedestrian Bridge over I-35W, Minneapolis, MN <br />.LPOH\+RUQSURYLGHGFRQFHSWUHƄQHPHQWSXEOLFHQJDJHPHQWYLVXDOTXDOLW\PDQXDODQGSUHOLPLQDU\DQGƄQDOGHVLJQ <br />IRUWKHSHGHVWULDQEULGJHLQFOXGLQJIHHWRIDSSURDFKWUDLOVORFDOVWUHHWPRGLƄFDWLRQVOLJKWLQJDQG$'$DFFHVV <br />improvements. <br />SUBCONSULTANTS <br />Pioneer Engineering, P.A. <br />Pioneer Engineering will provide survey services for the MVHS Trail Improvements project. Pioneer Engineering is a <br />professional association (P.A.) comprised of land surveyors, land planners, civil engineers, and landscape architects. <br />3LRQHHUpVVXUYH\GHSDUWPHQWXVHVVWDWHRIWKHDUWVRIWZDUHLQFOXGLQJ$XWRGHVN&LYLOGDQG7ULPEOH%XVLQHVV&HQWHUDV <br />well as the latest technology for land surveying of St. Paul and surrounding areas. <br />American Engineering Testing (AET) <br />AET will provide geotechnical services for the MVHS Trail Improvements project. AET has a strong reputation as the <br />source for forensics, environmental, materials, geotechnical engineering consulting and accredited testing capabilities.