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RSRD06039.2020 <br />4 <br />C. PROJECT TEAM <br />The organization chart below outlines our key team members and their responsibilities. Brief resumes of key staff begin <br />on the following page. <br />FIRM OVERVIEW <br />.LPOH\+RUQLVDIXOOVHUYLFHHQJLQHHULQJDQGSODQQLQJƄUPFRPSRVHGRIFLYLOHQJLQHHUVVWUXFWXUDOHQJLQHHUVURDGZD\ <br />engineers, transportation planners, environmental professionals, and public engagement experts. Our Twin Cities <br />RIƄFHLVSDUWRIDODUJHUQDWLRQDOƄUPZLWKPRUHWKDQVWDIILQFOXGLQJORFDOSURIHVVLRQDOV$VDƄUPZHDUH <br />organized as one company with multiple locations—our organization structure is focused on high quality client service. <br />PROJECT EXPERIENCE <br />County Road F/Lake Valentine Road Improvements, Arden Hills, MN <br />.LPOH\+RUQSURYLGHGƄQDOGHVLJQVHUYLFHVWRWKH&LW\RI$UGHQ+LOOVIRUDWUDLOFRQQHFWLRQDORQJ&RXQW\5RDG)/DNH <br />Valentine Road. The project included construction of curb and gutter on the south side of Lake Valentine Road, storm <br />sewer, retaining walls, railings, and mill and overlay to facilitate the construction of the trail extension along Lake <br />Valentine Road from New Brighton to MVHS. Kimley-Horn led all facets of the design which included topographic <br />survey, geotechnical evaluation, MnDOT coordination, Rice Creek Watershed coordination, stormwater management <br />design, preparation of construction documents, and bidding assistance. <br />Bruce Vento Trail Final Design, Ramsey County, MN <br />.LPOH\+RUQSURYLGHGSUHOLPLQDU\DQGƄQDOGHVLJQIRUWKHQHDUO\PLOHH[WHQVLRQRIWKH%UXFH9HQWR5HJLRQDO7UDLO <br />IURP%XHUNOH5RDGWR&6$+LQWKH&LW\RI:KLWH%HDU/DNH7KHSURMHFWUHTXLUHGVLJQLƄFDQWDJHQF\LQYROYHPHQW <br />including Ramsey County Parks, Ramsey County Public Works, Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority, City of <br />White Bear Lake, and BNSF Railroad. The trail extension was constructed along an active railroad corridor and through <br />a mix of residential and commercial districts, so the design had to balance the several competing needs throughout <br />1 American Engineering Testing <br />2 Pioneer Engineering <br />Geotechnical <br />Matt Ruble, P.E.1 <br />Survey <br />Blaine Marion, PLS2 <br />Trail Design <br />Emily Bowen <br />Retaining Wall Design <br />Matt Jensen, P.E. <br />Public Engagement <br />Leila Bunge, AICP <br />Project Manager/Trail Design Lead <br />Greg Kufahl, P.E. <br />Principal-in-Charge <br />Jon Horn, P.E. <br />Drainage Design <br />Ron Leaf, P.E. <br />VPRRWKO\JXLGHWKH&LW\pVSURMHFWVIURPVWDUWWRƄQLVKDFTXLULQJDQ\QHFHVVDU\5DPVH\&RXQW\UHYLHZVDQGDSSURYDOV <br />Task 8 Deliverables <br /> z Project location map and cost participation summary for the cooperative agreement <br /> z Attend and prepare for up to two coordination meetings (as noted in Task 1)