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Mr. David Grant <br />Boston Scientific – Building 14 Expansion <br />Response to Neighbor Letter <br />12 March 2021 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br /> <br />Response: Boston Scientific has done multiple noise studies of this area and has shared previous <br />results with the City of Arden Hills. Most recently, on January 21, 2021, Boston Scientific collected <br />ambient noise readings at two un-obstructed locations along the NW property line for a period of <br />24 hours. The noise levels on the BSC property were well within the MPCA limits. The data <br />conclusively demonstrated that Boston Scientific’s existing operations continue to remain in <br />compliance with current noise emission levels. <br /> <br />II. BUILDING HEIGHT/VISUAL POLLUTION <br /> <br />a. Building height/visual pollution: Building 14’s existing structure sits at a height of 21 feet. The <br />proposed expansion will almost double in height to a proposed height of 40 feet and sit exposed as <br />a visual monstrosity. It should be noted that a significant number of mature trees were removed <br />from the southwestern portion in the summer of 2019. These stumps can be observed from the <br />community trail and would have considerably obstructed the view of this proposed expansion. A <br />revision to the proposed building height should be made to remain consistent with the existing <br />Building 14 structure; the City of Arden Hills should not grant a variance to the current zoning <br />maximum height restriction of 35 feet. <br /> <br />i. City of Arden Hills Code: 1320.06 District Requirements Chart: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />As described by City of Arden Hills Planning Manager, Mike Mrosla, we see this height variance as a <br />“give and take” option where we will “give” the 40’ variance. We don’t see any way “taking” additional <br />plantings can ever screen or obstruct a 40’ building from the residentially exposed side of the property. <br />Additionally, these plantings will take decades to make any considerable impact on the proposed <br />expansion. <br /> <br />Response: As noted by Mr. Mrsola, Boston Scientific was granted an option to exceed the 35’ <br />height restriction pursuant to the Master Planned Unit Development (PUD) negotiated with the City <br />of Arden Hills in 2003. Although the PUD is not a guarantee to exceed the height limit, it allows <br />Boston Scientific to provide justification why the limit should be exceeded under certain <br />conditions. In the case of the Building 14 expansion, the extended height of the building will be <br />used to enclose all HVAC systems that support the manufacturing of the new building, which in <br />turn will aid in improving visual aesthetics and noise mitigation to the surrounding community. In <br />addition, BSC plans to execute an extensive restoration landscaping project which will include <br />planting an extensive array of mature trees and expanding the greenway around the facility.