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Mr. David Grant <br />Boston Scientific – Building 14 Expansion <br />Response to Neighbor Letter <br />12 March 2021 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br /> <br />III. EXPANDED LITHIUM BATTERY MANUFACTURING <br /> <br />a. Expanded Lithium Battery Manufacturing: An environmental and safety specialist was present <br />during the community presentation and spoke vaguely about the current and future impact of BSCI’s <br />battery manufacturing operations. The vagueness of comments is concerning. Many questions <br />remain. <br /> <br />i. What are the emissions from current and future operations, and do/could they impact adjacent <br />neighbors? <br /> <br />Response: Since 1995, Boston Scientific Arden Hills has been subject to an Option D air permit <br />with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and completes annual emissions reporting <br />for the site. MPCA and the Department of Health (MDH) partner to establish air pollutant levels that <br />are sustainable to the environment and are acceptable for human health. Our annual Emissions <br />Inventory Report is submitted to the MPCA every year and is available for public review on their <br />website. The Arden Hills site continues to be within compliance limits of our permitted air pollutant <br />thresholds. Any emissions from future campus building expansions will be captured in the <br />reporting process to MPCA and made publicly available. <br /> <br />The Arden Hills campus strives to be a center of environmental excellence by continually improving <br />our technologies to achieve the least impact on the surrounding community and environment as <br />we continue to produce life saving devices. <br /> <br />ii. What are the risks? <br /> <br />Response: None. The processes in the new building 14 expansion will continue to be the same as <br />current operations and thus will not alter the type of emissions emitted from the facility. The <br />proposed area will be folded into our current emissions reporting process and submitted annually <br />to the MPCA. <br /> <br />iii. Have environmental spills occurred in the past? <br /> <br />Response: No knowledge of spills and/or releases have occurred during Boston Scientifics tenure <br />at the Arden Hills facility. Further, Boston Scientific has no knowledge or evidence of any historical <br />spills and/or releases from Building 14 prior to Boston Scientific purchase of the property in 2004. <br /> <br />iv. Has the land and water been tested recently? <br /> <br />Response: In 2019, there was a potential release to soil from Building 14 and proper notification <br />was made to the MPCA. In response to a potential release at Building 14, Boston Scientific <br />conducted a round of soil sampling pursuant to guidance by MPCA. The samples confirmed that a <br />release had not occurred at the facility. The MPCA closed their investigation in October 2020. <br />