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Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />There was a total of four bids received. Attachment C shows the complete bid tabulation, the <br />following table lists the bidders name and their total bid: <br /> <br /> Bidder Total Bid <br />Pember Companies, Inc. $125,273.50 <br />Lametti & Sons, Inc. $135,960.00 <br />Vinco Inc. $163,450.00 <br />Northdale Construction Co. $227,086.50 <br /> <br /> <br />The low bid was very similar to the Engineer’s estimate of $125,620.00. <br /> <br />Pember Companies, Inc. completed the Colleen Avenue Drainage Project in 2019, Lift Station <br />#11 Improvements project for the City, recommended contractor for the Hamline Avenue <br />Crosswalks and Shorewood Drive Drainage Improvements this year, and has completed similar <br />projects successfully in the metro area. Attached is a letter (Attachment A) from Ulteig <br />recommending award to Pember as the lowest responsible/responsive bidder. Attachment B is <br />Resolution 2021-018 awarding the Karth Lake Runoff Control Project to Pember Companies in <br />the amount of $125,273.50. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 2021-018. <br /> <br />Budget Impact <br /> <br />A summary of the estimated project costs and funding sources is provided below, and includes <br />funding from a grant agreement with RCWD for the proposed stormwater management <br />improvements. <br /> <br />Total Project Costs <br /> Construction Cost $ 125,273.50 <br /> Engineering Services $ 19,834.00 (Includes Construction Admin.) <br /> Materials Testing $ 7,600.00 <br /> Misc. (Legal, Ads) $ 891.00 <br /> TOTAL $ 153,598.50 <br /> <br />Total Estimated Funding <br /> RCWD (50% match) $ 76,799.25 <br /> Surface Water Mgmt Fund $ 76,799.25 <br /> TOTAL $ 153,598.50 <br /> <br />The amounts listed above are estimates based on the current opinion of probable construction <br />costs. Final total expenses and funding amounts will be revised and presented to the City Council <br />upon receipt of construction bids. <br /> <br />Attachments <br /> <br />Attachment A: Ulteig Letter of Recommendation <br />Attachment B: Resolution 2021-018 Awarding the Contract <br />Attachment C: Bid Tabulation <br />Attachment D: Agreement Between Owner and Contractor for Construction Contract