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AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR FOR <br />CONSTUCTION CONTRACT <br />Karth Lake Runoff Control <br />City Project PW-20-0111 27 <br />THIS AGREEMENT is made this 12th day of April, 2021 (hereinafter “Effective Date of the Contract”) by and <br />between the City of Arden Hills, Ramsey County, Minnesota (hereinafter “Owner”) and Pember Companies <br />Inc (hereinafter “Contractor”). The Owner and Contractor hereby agree as follows: <br />ARTICLE 1 – THE WORK AND THE PROJECT <br />1.01 <br />1.02 <br />Contractor shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is <br />generally described as follows: Insert general description of project elements <br />The Project, of which the Work under the Contract Documents is a part is generally described as <br />follows: Karth Lake Runoff Control Project, City Project No. PW-20-0111. <br />ARTICLE 2 – CONTRACT DOCUMENTS <br />2.01 The Contract Documents consist of the following: <br />A.This Agreement <br />B.Performance and Payment Bonds <br />C.Insurance Certificates <br />D.Instructions to Bidders <br />E.General Conditions <br />F.Supplementary Conditions <br />G.Division 1 – General Requirements <br />H.Division 2 – Special Provisions <br />I.Drawings (not attached by incorporated by reference) consisting of 8 sheets with each sheet <br />dated December 29,2020. <br />J.Addenda (Numbers _ and _ inclusive) <br />K.Exhibits to the Agreement <br />1.Contractor’s Bid (pages _ to _ inclusive) <br />2.Non-Collusion Affidavit <br />3.Responsible Contractor Verification and Certification of Compliance Form <br />L.The following which may be delivered or issued on or after the Effective Date of the Contract <br />and are not attached hereto: <br />1.Notice to Proceed <br />2.Work Change Directives <br />3.Change Orders <br />4.Field Orders <br />2.02 This instrument, together with the documents hereinabove mentioned, form the Agreement, and they <br />are as fully a part of the Agreement as if hereto attached or herein repeated. <br />2.03 The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified, or supplemented as provided in the <br />General Conditions and Supplemental Conditions. <br />ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACT TIMES <br />3.01 <br />3.02 <br />Contract Times: The Work will be substantially completed on or before October 15, 2021 and <br />completed and ready for final payment in accordance with Paragraph 15.06 of the General <br />Conditions on or before October 29, 2021. Substantial Completion Date shall be defined as the <br />completion of all items with the exception of some punch list items and removal of erosion/sediment <br />control. <br />All time limits for Milestones, if any, Substantial Completion, and completion and readiness for final <br />payment as stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract.