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12 Revised 10/03/2019 Ordinance Language Commentary 4.12 The shoreland area for the waterbodies listed in Sections 4.13 to 4.15 are defined in Section 2.550 and are shown on the Official Zoning Map. 4.13 Lakes are classified as follows: A. General development (GD); General Development Lake Name DNR Public Waters I.D. # (Insert lake name) (Insert DNR Public Waters I.D. #) (Insert lake name) (Insert DNR Public Waters I.D. #) B. Recreational development (RD); and Recreational Development Lake Name DNR Public Waters I.D. # (Insert lake name) (Insert DNR Public Waters I.D. #) (Insert lake name) (Insert DNR Public Waters I.D. #) C. Natural environment (NE). Natural Environment Lake Name DNR Public Waters I.D. # (Insert lake name) (Insert DNR Public Waters I.D. #) (Insert lake name) (Insert DNR Public Waters I.D. #) 4.14 Rivers and Streams are classified as follows: A. Urban; Urban River Name Legal Description (Insert river name) (Insert legal description) (Insert river name) (Insert legal description) Agriculture; Agriculture River Name Legal Description (Insert river name) (Insert legal description) (Insert river name) (Insert legal description) 4.12. Optional provision. It is helpful to show the shoreland areas for lakes and rivers on the zoning map along with their classifications. 4.13. Cities must list lakes that are 10 or more acres, and counties 25 or more acres (Minnesota Rules, part 6120.2500, Subp. 13). Cities that annex land or townships that incorporate with lakes that are 10 acres or more must amend their ordinances to include those lakes. List lakes along with the DNR public waters ID number. 4.14. List river names here along with township, range and section number of the river reach. Optional. Communities with sensitive shorelines or waters that are at risk to degradation due to nonpoint source nutrient pollution may designate those waters (lakes and rivers) with a special protection classification and regulate the shoreland of those waters with more restrictive development standards such as lot area, setback, riparian buffers, etc.