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13 Revised 10/03/2019 Ordinance Language Commentary B. Transition; Transition River Name Legal Description (Insert river name) (Insert legal description) (Insert river name) (Insert legal description) C. Forested; and Forested River Name Legal Description (Insert river name) (Insert legal description) (Insert river name) (Insert legal description) D. Remote. Remote River Name Legal Description (Insert river name) (Insert legal description) (Insert river name) (Insert legal description) 4.15 All public rivers and streams shown on the Public Waters Inventory Map for (insert name of county), a copy of which is adopted by reference, not given a classification in Section 4.14 shall be considered “Tributary.” 4.2 Land Uses. 4.21 Purpose. To identify land uses that are compatible with the protection and preservation of shoreline resources in order to conserve the economic and environmental values of shoreland and sustain water quality. 4.22 Shoreland district land uses listed in Sections 4.23 and 4.24 are regulated as: A. Permitted uses (P). These uses are allowed, provided all standards in this ordinance are followed; B. Conditional uses (C). These uses are allowed through a conditional use permit. The use must be evaluated according to the criteria in Section 3.6 of this ordinance and any additional conditions listed in this ordinance; and C. Not permitted uses (N). These uses are prohibited. 4.15. Instead of this provision, local governments may list all tributaries in the table in Section 4.14, and/or provide a map of all watercourses subject to the tributary class. This is a practical alternative if the number of tributaries is relatively small. 4.22. Land uses in the shoreland district are listed as permitted, not permitted, or conditional for each water body classification. Land uses for each lake classification are in Section 4.23, and uses for each river classification are in 4.24. Local governments may further clarify if the listed “permitted” uses are allowed with or without a permit. Uses listed as “conditional” require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Underlying zoning